To establish a vCloud Suite session, you create a connection to the vCloud Suite Endpoint and then you create a session for the connection.

Retrieve the vCloud Suite Endpoint URL from the Lookup Service.

Obtain a SAML token from the vCenter Single Sign-On service.


Create a connection by specifying the vCloud Suite Endpoint URL and the message protocol to be used for the connection.


To transmit your requests securely, use https for the vCloud Suite Endpoint URL.


Create a stub configuration instance and set the security context to be used.

The security context object contains the SAML token retrieved from the vCenter Single Sign-On service. Optionally, the security context might contain the private key of the client application.


Create a Session stub that uses the stub configuration instance.


Create an authenticated session to the vCloud Suite Endpoint by using the Session stub.

The operation returns a session identifier.


Create a security context instance and add the session ID to it.


Update the stub configuration instance with the session security context.

You can use the authenticated session to access vCloud Suite services. For more information about creating stubs to the vCloud Suite services, see Accessing vCloud Suite Services.