Enum - DistributedVirtualPortgroupPortgroupType(vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup.PortgroupType)

vSphere API 4.0

Enum Description

The DistributedVirtualPortgroupPortgroupType enum defines the distributed virtual portgroup types (DistributedVirtualPortgroup.Config.type). Early binding specifies a static set of ports that are created when you create the distributed virtual portgroup. An ephemeral portgroup uses dynamic ports that are created when you power on a virtual machine.

Enum Constants

earlyBinding A free DistributedVirtualPort will be selected and assigned to a VirtualMachine when the virtual machine is reconfigured to connect to the portgroup.
ephemeral A DistributedVirtualPort will be created and assigned to a VirtualMachine when the virtual machine is powered on, and will be deleted when the virtual machine is powered off. An ephemeral portgroup has no limit on the number of ports that can be a part of this portgroup. In cases where the vCenter Server is unavailable the host can create conflict ports in this portgroup to be used by a virtual machine at power on.
lateBinding A free DistributedVirtualPort will be selected and assigned to a VirtualMachine when the virtual machine is powered on.

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