Data Object - HostNicFailureCriteria(

Property of

Data Object Description

This data object type describes the network adapter failover detection algorithm for a network adapter team.


Name Type Description

The flag to indicate whether or not to enable this property to enable beacon probing as a method to validate the link status of a physical network adapter.

checkBeacon can be enabled only if the VirtualSwitch has been configured to use the beacon. Attempting to set checkBeacon on a PortGroup or VirtualSwitch that does not have beacon probing configured for the applicable VirtualSwitch results in an error.
See beacon
See HostVirtualSwitchBeaconConfig


Deprecated. As of VI API 5.1, this property is not supported

The flag to indicate whether or not to use the link duplex reported by the driver as link selection criteria.

If checkDuplex is true, then fullDuplex is the configured duplex mode. The link is considered bad if the link duplex reported by driver is not the same as fullDuplex.

If checkDuplex is false, then fullDuplex is unused, and link duplexity is not used as a detection method.


Deprecated. As of VI API 5.1, this property is not supported

The flag to indicate whether or not to use link error percentage to detect failure.

If checkErrorPercent is true, then percentage is the configured error percentage that is tolerated. The link is considered bad if error rate exceeds percentage.

If checkErrorPercent is false, percentage is unused, and error percentage is not used as a detection method.


Deprecated. As of VI API 5.1, this property is not supported

To use link speed as the criteria, checkSpeed must be one of the following values:

  • exact: Use exact speed to detect link failure. speed is the configured exact speed in megabits per second.
  • minimum: Use minimum speed to detect failure. speed is the configured minimum speed in megabits per second.
  • empty string: Do not use link speed to detect failure. speed is unused in this case.


Deprecated. As of VI API 5.1, this property is not supported

Full duplex.
See checkDuplex


Deprecated. As of VI API 5.1, this property is not supported

See checkErrorPercent


Deprecated. As of VI API 5.1, this property is not supported

See checkSpeed

Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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