Data Object - CustomizationGuiUnattended(vim.vm.customization.GuiUnattended)

Property of
See also

Data Object Description

The GuiUnattended type maps to the GuiUnattended key in the {@code sysprep.xml} answer file. These values are plugged directly into the {@code sysprep.xml} file that VirtualCenter stores on the target virtual disk. For more detailed information, see Performing Unattended Installations.


Name Type Description

Flag to determine whether or not the machine automatically logs on as Administrator. See also the password property.

If the AutoLogon flag is set, password must not be blank or the guest customization will fail.


If the AutoLogon flag is set, then the AutoLogonCount property specifies the number of times the machine should automatically log on as Administrator. Generally it should be 1, but if your setup requires a number of reboots, you may want to increase it. This number may be determined by the list of commands executed by the GuiRunOnce command.

The new administrator password for the machine. To specify that the password should be set to blank (that is, no password), set the password value to NULL. Because of encryption, "" is NOT a valid value.

If password is set to blank and autoLogon is set, the guest customization will fail.

If the XML file is generated by the VirtualCenter Customization Wizard, then the password is encrypted. Otherwise, the client should set the plainText attribute to true, so that the customization process does not attempt to decrypt the string.


The time zone index for the virtual machine. Numbers correspond to time zones listed at Microsoft Time Zone Index Values.
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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