System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Nodes > Logs

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List available node logs

Returns the number of log files and lists the log files that reside on the
NSX virtual appliance. The list includes the filename, file size,
and last-modified time in milliseconds since epoch (1 January 1970) for each
log file. Knowing the last-modified time with millisecond accuracy since
epoch is helpful when you are comparing two times, such as the time of a
POST request and the end time on a server.
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/{transport-node-id}/node/logs
GET /api/v1/cluster/{cluster-node-id}/node/logs
GET /api/v1/node/logs

Read node log properties

For a single specified log file, lists the filename, file size, and
last-modified time.
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/{transport-node-id}/node/logs/{log-name}
GET /api/v1/cluster/{cluster-node-id}/node/logs/{log-name}
GET /api/v1/node/logs/{log-name}

Read node log contents

For a single specified log file, returns the content of the log file.
This method supports byte-range requests. To request just a portion of a
log file, supply an HTTP Range header, e.g. "Range: bytes=<start>-<end>".
<end> is optional, and, if omitted, the file contents from start to the
end of the file are returned.'
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/{transport-node-id}/node/logs/{log-name}/data
GET /api/v1/cluster/{cluster-node-id}/node/logs/{log-name}/data
GET /api/v1/node/logs/{log-name}/data