System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Nodes > Transport Node Collections

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List sub-clusters

Paginated list of all sub-clusters.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/sub-clusters

Move host from one sub-cluster to another sub-cluster. When a node is moved from one sub-cluster to another sub-cluster, based on the TransportNodeCollection configuration appropriate sub-configuration will be applied to the node. If TransportNodeCollection does not have sub-configurations for the sub-cluster, then global configuration will be applied.

POST /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/sub-clusters?action=move

Delete a Sub-Cluster

Delete a Sub-Cluster. Deletion will not be allowed
if sub-cluster contains discovered nodes.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/sub-clusters/{subcluster-id}

Read a Sub-cluster configuration

Read a Sub-cluster configuration.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/sub-clusters/{subcluster-id}

Patch Sub-Cluster

Patch a sub-cluster under compute collection.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/sub-clusters/{subcluster-id}

Create or Update a sub-cluster

Create or update a sub-cluster under a compute collection.
Maximum number of sub-clusters that can be created under
a compute collection is 16.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/sub-clusters/{subcluster-id}

List Transport Node collections

Returns all Transport Node collections
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections

Detach transport node profile from compute collection.

By deleting transport node collection, we are detaching the transport node
profile(TNP) from the compute collection. It has no effect on existing
transport nodes. However, new hosts added to the compute collection will no
longer be automatically converted to NSX transport node.
Detaching TNP from compute collection does not delete TNP.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}

Get Transport Node collection by id

Returns transport node collection by id
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}

Patch Transport Node collection

Attach different transport node profile to compute collection by updating
transport node collection.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}

Retry the process on applying transport node profile

This API is relevant for compute collection on which vLCM is enabled. This API should be invoked to retry the realization of transport node profile on the compute collection. This is useful when profile realization had failed because of error in vLCM. This API has no effect if vLCM is not enabled on the computer collection.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}?action=retry_profile_realization

Uninstall NSX from the specified Transport Node Collection

This API uninstalls NSX applied to the Transport Node Collection with the ID corresponding to the one specified in the request.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}?action=remove_nsx

Configure the cluster for security

This API configures a compute collection for security. In the request body, specify a Transport Node Collection with only the ID of the target compute collection meant for security. Specifically, a Transport Node Profile ID should not be specified. This API will define a system-generated security Transport Node Profile and apply it on the compute collection to create the Transport Node Collection.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}?action=install_for_microseg

Get Transport Node collection application state

Returns the state of transport node collection based on the states of
transport nodes of the hosts which are part of compute collection.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}/state

Create transport node collection by attaching Transport Node Profile to cluster.

When transport node collection is created the hosts which are part
of compute collection will be prepared automatically i.e. NSX Manager
attempts to install the NSX components on hosts. Transport nodes for these
hosts are created using the configuration specified in transport node
profile. Pass apply_profile to false, if you do not want to apply
transport node profile on the existing transport node with
overridden host flag set and ignore overridden hosts flag is set to
true on the transport node profile.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/{site-id}/enforcement-points/{enforcementpoint-id}/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collections-id}

List Transport Node collections

Returns all Transport Node collections
GET /api/v1/transport-node-collections

Create transport node collection by attaching Transport Node Profile to cluster.

When transport node collection is created the hosts which are part
of compute collection will be prepared automatically i.e. NSX Manager
attempts to install the NSX components on hosts. Transport nodes for these
hosts are created using the configuration specified in transport node
POST /api/v1/transport-node-collections

Detach transport node profile from compute collection.

By deleting transport node collection, we are detaching the transport node
profile(TNP) from the compute collection. It has no effect on existing
transport nodes. However, new hosts added to the compute collection will no
longer be automatically converted to NSX transport node.
Detaching TNP from compute collection does not delete TNP.
DELETE /api/v1/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}

Get Transport Node collection by id

Returns transport node collection by id
GET /api/v1/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}

Retry the process on applying transport node profile

This API is relevant for compute collection on which vLCM is enabled. This API shpuld be invoked to retry the realization of transport node profile on the compute collection. This is useful when profile realization had failed because of error in vLCM. This API has no effect if vLCM is not enabled on the computer collection.
POST /api/v1/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}?action=retry_profile_realization

Update Transport Node collection

Attach different transport node profile to compute collection by updating
transport node collection.
PUT /api/v1/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}

Get Transport Node collection application state

Returns the state of transport node collection based on the states of
transport nodes of the hosts which are part of compute collection.
GET /api/v1/transport-node-collections/{transport-node-collection-id}/state