System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Nodes > Transport Node Status

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Get high-level summary of a transport node

GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/{node-id}/pnic-bond-status

Read status of all transport nodes with tunnel connections to transport node

GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/{node-id}/remote-transport-node-status

Read status of a transport node

GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/{node-id}/status

Get high-level summary of all transport nodes. The service layer does not support source = realtime or cached.

GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/status

Read status of transport nodes in a transport zone

GET /api/v1/transport-zones/{zone-id}/transport-node-status

Creates a status report of transport nodes in a transport zone

You must provide the request header "Accept:application/octet-stream" when calling this API.
GET /api/v1/transport-zones/{zone-id}/transport-node-status-report

Creates a status json report of transport nodes in a transport zone

GET /api/v1/transport-zones/{zone-id}/transport-node-status-report-json

Read status of all the transport nodes

GET /api/v1/transport-zones/transport-node-status

Creates a status report of transport nodes of all the transport zones

You must provide the request header "Accept:application/octet-stream" when calling this API.
GET /api/v1/transport-zones/transport-node-status-report

Creates a status json report of transport nodes of all the transport zones

GET /api/v1/transport-zones/transport-node-status-report-json