System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Pool Management > IP Pools

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List IP Pools

Returns information about the configured IP address pools. Information
includes the display name and description of the pool and the details of
each of the subnets in the pool, including the DNS servers, allocation
ranges, gateway, and CIDR subnet address.
GET /api/v1/pools/ip-pools

Create an IP Pool

Creates a new IPv4 or IPv6 address pool. Required parameters are
allocation_ranges and cidr. Optional parameters are display_name,
description, dns_nameservers, dns_suffix, and gateway_ip.
POST /api/v1/pools/ip-pools

Delete an IP Pool

Deletes the specified IP address pool. By default, if the IpPool is used in other configurations (such as transport node template), it won't be deleted. In such situations, pass "force=true" as query param to force delete the IpPool
DELETE /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{pool-id}

Read IP Pool

Returns information about the specified IP address pool.
GET /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{pool-id}

Allocate or Release an IP Address from a Pool

Allocates or releases an IP address from the specified IP pool. To allocate
an address, include ?action=ALLOCATE in the request and "allocation_id":null
in the request body. When the request is successful, the response is
"allocation_id": "<ip-address>", where <ip-address> is an IP address from
the specified pool. To release an IP address (return it back to the pool),
include ?action=RELEASE in the request and "allocation_id":<ip-address> in
the request body, where <ip-address> is the address to be released. When the
request is successful, the response is NULL. Tags, display_name and description
attributes are not supported for AllocationIpAddress in this release.
POST /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{pool-id}

Update an IP Pool

Modifies the specified IP address pool. Modifiable parameters include the
description, display_name, and all subnet information.
PUT /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{pool-id}

List IP Pool Allocations

Returns information about which addresses have been allocated from a
specified IP address pool.
GET /api/v1/pools/ip-pools/{pool-id}/allocations