System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Pool Management > VNI Pools

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List VNI Pools

Returns information about the default and configured virtual
network identifier (VNI) pools for use when building logical network
segments. Each virtual network has a unique ID called a VNI. Instead
of creating a new VNI each time you need a new logical switch, you
can instead allocate a VNI from a VNI pool. VNI pools are sometimes
called segment ID pools. Each VNI pool has a range of usable VNIs. By
default, there is one pool with two ranges [5000, 65535] and [65536,
75000]. To create multiple smaller pools, specify a smaller range for
each pool such as 75001-75100 and 75101-75200. The VNI range determines
the maximum number of logical switches that can be created in each
network segment.
GET /api/v1/pools/vni-pools

Create a new VNI Pool.

Creates a new VNI pool using the specified VNI pool range. The range
should be non-overlapping with an existing range. If the range in
payload is present or overlaps with an existing range, return code 400
with bad request and an error message is returned mentioning that the
given range overlaps with an existing range.
POST /api/v1/pools/vni-pools

Delete a VNI Pool

Deletes the given VNI pool.
DELETE /api/v1/pools/vni-pools/{pool-id}

Read VNI Pool

Returns information about the specified virtual network identifier (VNI) pool.
GET /api/v1/pools/vni-pools/{pool-id}

Update a VNI Pool

Updates the specified VNI pool. Modifiable parameters include description, display_name and ranges.
Ranges can be added, modified or deleted. Overlapping ranges are not allowed.
Only range end can be modified for any existing range.
Range shrinking or deletion is not allowed if there are any allocated VNIs.
PUT /api/v1/pools/vni-pools/{pool-id}