System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Profiles > Cluster Profiles

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List Cluster Profiles

Returns paginated list of cluster profiles
Cluster profiles define policies for edge cluster and bridge cluster.
GET /api/v1/cluster-profiles

Create a Cluster Profile

Create a cluster profile. The resource_type is required.
POST /api/v1/cluster-profiles

Delete a cluster profile

Delete a specified cluster profile.
DELETE /api/v1/cluster-profiles/{cluster-profile-id}

Get cluster profile by Id

Returns information about a specified cluster profile.
GET /api/v1/cluster-profiles/{cluster-profile-id}

Update a cluster profile

Modifie a specified cluster profile. The body of the PUT request must
include the resource_type.
PUT /api/v1/cluster-profiles/{cluster-profile-id}