System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Profiles > Transport Zone Profiles

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List transport zone profiles

Returns information about the configured transport zone profiles. Transport zone
profiles define networking policies for transport zones and transport zone endpoints.
GET /api/v1/transportzone-profiles (Deprecated)

Create a transport zone Profile

Creates a transport zone profile. The resource_type is required.
POST /api/v1/transportzone-profiles (Deprecated)

Delete a transport zone Profile

Deletes a specified transport zone profile.
DELETE /api/v1/transportzone-profiles/{transportzone-profile-id} (Deprecated)

Get transport zone profile by identifier

Returns information about a specified transport zone profile.
GET /api/v1/transportzone-profiles/{transportzone-profile-id} (Deprecated)

Update a transport zone profile

Modifies a specified transport zone profile. The body of the PUT request must include the resource_type.
PUT /api/v1/transportzone-profiles/{transportzone-profile-id} (Deprecated)