System Administration > Configuration > NSX Advanced Load Balancer

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Returns information for Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster

Returns information about Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster status
GET /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/cluster

Re-trigger clustering for Advanced Load Balancer Nodes.

Re-trigger clustering for Advanced Load Balancer Nodes.
PUT /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/cluster

Returns info for of the cluster configuration for the Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster

Returns cluster configuration for the Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster.
GET /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/clusterconfig

Set the cluster configuration for the Advanced Load Balancer controller VM. The VIP can be set once. Attempting to change the VIP once set will return an error.

Set the cluster configuration for Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster.
POST /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/clusterconfig

Returns info for all cluster node VM auto-deployment attempts

Returns request information for every attempted deployment of a cluster
node VM.
GET /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/deployments

Deploy and register a Advanced Load Balancer controller node VM

Deploys a Advanced Load Balancer controller node VM as specified by the deployment config.
POST /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/deployments

Returns info for a Advanced Load Balancer controller deployment attempt

Returns deployment request information for a specific attempted
deployment of a cluster node VM.
GET /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/deployments/{node-id}

Attempt to delete an auto-deployed Advanced Load Balancer controller node

Attempts to unregister and undeploy a specified auto-deployed cluster
node VM. If it is a member of a cluster, then the VM will be automatically
detached from the cluster before being unregistered and undeployed.
Alternatively, if the original deployment attempt failed or the VM is
not found, cleans up the deployment information associated with the
deployment attempt.
Note: If a VM has been successfully auto-deployed, then the associated
deployment information will not be deleted unless and until the VM is
successfully deleted.
POST /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/deployments/{node-id}?action=delete

Update a Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster node VM. Only updating password, ntp and dns servers are supported. If controller is in a cluster then all nodes in the cluster are updated with the provided values

Update Advanced Load Balancer Controller node VM details
PUT /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/deployments/{node-id}

Returns the status of the VM creation/deletion

Returns the current deployment or undeployment status for a VM along with
any other relevant current information, such as error messages.
GET /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/deployments/{node-id}/status

List available Advanced Load Balancer controller form factors

Returns information about all form factors available for Advanced Load Balancer controller nodes.
GET /policy/api/v1/alb/controller-nodes/form-factors

Alb Auth Token API calls to Avi Controller.

Passthorugh API calls to Avi controller using the Auth of policy API
request send to this API will be passthrough to Avi controller and
Avi controller response will be embedded for this API.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/alb-auth-token

This is Post Controller Deployment Workflow. It will create role if not exist Create Service User Set System Configuration Create Enforcement Point Save Infra-Admin Creds to DB.

Set the post deployment cluster configuration for Advanced Load Balancer controller cluster.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/alb-onboarding-workflow

Delete EnforcementPoint and the Infra Admin credentials contained by this workflow

Delete the EnforcementPoint along with Infra Admin credentials.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/alb-onboarding-workflow/{managed-by}