System Administration > Configuration > NSX Managers > Clusters > Cluster Node Deployments

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Synchronizes the repository data between nsx managers.

Attempts to synchronize the repository partition on nsx manager. Repository partition contains packages required for the
install and upgrade of nsx components.Normally there is no need to call this API explicitely by the user.
POST /api/v1/cluster/node?action=repo_sync

Synchronizes the repository data between nsx managers.

Returns the synchronization status for the manager represented by given <node-id>.
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/{node-id}/repo_sync/status

Returns info for all cluster node VM auto-deployment attempts

Returns request information for every attempted deployment of a cluster
node VM.
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments

Deploy and register a cluster node VM

Deploys a cluster node VM as specified by the deployment config.
Once the VM is deployed and powered on, it will automatically join the
existing cluster.
POST /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments

Returns info for a cluster-node VM auto-deployment attempt

Returns deployment request information for a specific attempted
deployment of a cluster node VM.
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments/{node-id}

Attempt to delete an auto-deployed cluster node VM

Attempts to unregister and undeploy a specified auto-deployed cluster
node VM. If it is a member of a cluster, then the VM will be automatically
detached from the cluster before being unregistered and undeployed.
Alternatively, if the original deployment attempt failed or the VM is
not found, cleans up the deployment information associated with the
deployment attempt.
Note: If a VM has been successfully auto-deployed, then the associated
deployment information will not be deleted unless and until the VM is
successfully deleted.
POST /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments/{node-id}?action=delete

Returns the status of the VM creation/deletion

Returns the current deployment or undeployment status for a VM along with
any other relevant current information, such as error messages.
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments/{node-id}/status