System Administration > Configuration > Site Management

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Get the site configuration

GET /api/v1/sites

Get the site configuration, some attributes won't be shown based on version

GET /api/v1/sites?version=3.0.2
GET /api/v1/sites?version=3.1.0
GET /api/v1/sites?version=latest

Get the compatibility list of the site

Returns the version of this site and list of compatible versions
GET /api/v1/sites/compatibility

Check whether the remote site version is compatible to this site

Returns the version of this site and list of compatible versions for both local and remote site,
also a boolean indicating whether the two are compatible, this value is true if one of the site
version is in the compatibility list of the other site
GET /api/v1/sites/compatibility/remote

Get the local site configuration

GET /api/v1/sites/self

Get overall status of the federation, including stub status

GET /api/v1/sites/status

Get the switchover status

GET /api/v1/sites/switchover-status