hclDbAgeHealth | xsd:string |
The age health of the HCL DB. If older than 90 days, state is yellow. If older
than 180 days, it is red. If no age known, state is "unknown".
hclDbLastUpdate | xsd:dateTime |
The time (UTC time) from when the currently used HCL DB was known to be
the latest up-to-date version.
hostResults | VsanHostHclInfo[] |
HCL status of each host.
updateItems | VsanUpdateItem[] |
List of things (firmwares, drivers, VIBs, etc.) recommended to be installed
on the cluster. Each item in the list applies to a specific host, as not
all hosts are assumed to be at the same level. This field is only populated
if explicitly requested.
Since vSAN API 6.6
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |