Service - PodAssignment

See also
PodAssignmentId, PodAssignmentInfo
Horizon View 6.0

Service Description

This interface represents data about which pod contains resource assignments for a given user and global entitlement. This assigned pod helps brokering make good decisions when trying to launch a resource for a user, especially in cases where a pod is offline and we want to avoid assigning a new resource for an existing user and persistent global entitlement. This data is automatically calculated and created when a new user and global entitlement requests brokering. It is not automatically deleted when user or global entitlement assignments change. Deleting a pod assignment with this interface is generally fine, as it will be re-created when required.


Methods defined in this Service
PodAssignment_Get, PodAssignment_GetInfos


Get the Pod Assignment.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to read a pod assignment.


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the PodAssignment used to make the method call.

The pod assignment id

Return Value

Type Description
PodAssignmentInfoThe PodAssignmentInfo.


Type Description
EntityNotFoundThrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermissionThrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgumentThrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidStateThrown if the Pod Federation has not been initialized.
InvalidTypeThrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFaultThrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Get multiple Pod Assignments.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to read multiple pod assignments.


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the PodAssignment used to make the method call.

The pod assignment ids

Return Value

Type Description
PodAssignmentInfo[]The PodAssignmentInfos.


Type Description
EntityNotFoundThrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermissionThrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgumentThrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidStateThrown if the Pod Federation has not been initialized.
InvalidTypeThrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFaultThrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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