consoleIpRouteConfig | IpRouteProfile |
Subprofile that describes the IP Route configuration
for the Service Console gateway.
dnsConfig | NetworkProfileDnsConfigProfile |
DNS (Domain Name System) configuration subprofile.
dvsHostNic | DvsHostVNicProfile[] |
List of subprofiles for host Virtual NICs connected to a distributed virtual switch.
Use the DvsHostVNicProfile.key property
to access a subprofile in the list.
dvsServiceConsoleNic | DvsServiceConsoleVNicProfile[] |
List of subprofiles for service console Virtual NICs connected to a distributed virtual switch.
Use the DvsServiceConsoleVNicProfile.key property
to access a subprofile in the list.
dvswitch | DvsProfile[] |
List of subprofiles for distributed virtual switches to which this host is connected.
Use the key property to access a subprofile in the list.
hostPortGroup | HostPortGroupProfile[] |
List of port groups for use by the host.
Use the HostPortGroupProfile.key property
to access port groups in the list.
ipRouteConfig | IpRouteProfile |
Subprofile that describes the IP Route
configuration for the VMKernel gateway.
pnic | PhysicalNicProfile[] |
List of subprofiles that represent physical NIC configuration.
Use the key property to access a
subprofile in the list.
serviceConsolePortGroup | ServiceConsolePortGroupProfile[] |
List of port groups for use by the service console.
The Profile Engine uses this field only when applying a profile
to a host that has a service console.
vmPortGroup | VmPortGroupProfile[] |
List of port groups for use by virtual machines.
Use the VmPortGroupProfile.key
property to access a port group in the list.
vswitch | VirtualSwitchProfile[] |
List of virtual switch subprofiles.
Use the key property to access
a subprofile in the list.
Properties inherited from ApplyProfile |
enabled, policy |
Properties inherited from DynamicData |
None |