Policy > Infra > Certificates > CSR

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Return All the Generated CSRs

Returns information about all of the CSRs that have been created.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs

Generate a new self-signed certificate

Creates a new self-signed certificate. A private key is also created at the
same time. This is convenience call that will generate a CSR and then self-sign it.
For validity of non-CA certificates, if a value greater than 825 days is
provided, it will be set to 825 days. No limit is set for CA certificates.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs?action=self_sign

Delete a CSR

Removes a specified CSR. If a CSR is not used for verification, you can
delete it. Note that the CSR import and upload POST actions automatically
delete the associated CSR.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs/{csr-id}

Show CSR Data for the Given CSR ID

Returns information about the specified CSR.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs/{csr-id}

Self-Sign the CSR

Self-signs the previously generated CSR. This action is similar to the
import certificate action, but instead of using a public certificate signed
by a CA, the self_sign POST action uses a certificate that is signed with
NSX's own private key.
For validity of non-CA certificates, if a value greater than 825 days is
provided, it will be set to 825 days. No limit is set for CA certificates.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs/{csr-id}?action=self_sign

Generate a New Certificate Signing Request

Creates a new certificate signing request (CSR). A CSR is encrypted text that
contains information about your organization (organization name, country,
and so on) and your Web server's public key, which is a public certificate
the is generated on the server that can be used to forward this request to a
certificate authority (CA). A private key is also usually created at the
same time as the CSR.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs/{csr-id}?action=create

Import a Certificate Associated with an Approved CSR

Imports a certificate authority (CA)-signed certificate for a CSR. This
action links the certificate to the private key created by the CSR. The
pem_encoded string in the request body is the signed certificate provided by
your CA in response to the CSR that you provide to them. The import POST
action automatically deletes the associated CSR.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs/{csr-id}?action=import

Upload the Certificate PEM File Signed by the CA Associated with a CSR

Uploads the certificate authority (CA)-signed certificate. After you send
the certificate request to the CA of your choice, and the CA sends back the
signed certificate, you can use the upload POST action to upload the signed
certificate. The upload action is similar to the import action, but the
upload action allows you to directly upload the PEM-encoded file (signed
certificate) provided by the CA. Like the import POST action, the upload
POST action automatically deletes the associated CSR.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs/{csr-id}?action=upload

Get CSR PEM File for the Given CSR ID

Downloads the CSR PEM file for a specified CSR. Clients must include an Accept: text/plain request header.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/csrs/{csr-id}/pem-file