Overview | 1 | 2 | 3

Entity Properties


VMStoragePod Datastore Host Resource Pool Cluster Datacenter
VM File SCSI Volume SCSI Path SCSI Adapter SCSI Target NAS Mount


Property NameTypeUnitDescription
namestringVirtual Machine name
hoststringHost name
clusterstringCluster name
resourcePoolstringResource Pool name
multipathingStatusenum(Multipathing Status)Aggregate multipathing status on the Virtual Machine's Host. Fully redundant means 2 HBAs and 2 Targets exist among paths.
usedlongbyteTotal space used by the Virtual Machine
snapshotlongbyteTotal space used by snapshot files
diskUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Disk files
configuredDisklongbyteConfigured Disk
swaplongbyteTotal swap space used by the Virtual Machine
otherUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Machine files such as configuration, suspend data, NVRAM, screenshots and others
sharedlongbyteTotal space used by shared Virtual Machine files
provisionedlongbyteTotal provisioned space for the Virtual Machine
uncommittedlongbyteTotal uncommitted space for the Virtual Machine
numVmDisklongNumber of Virtual Disks used by this Virtual Machine
numDatastorelongNumber of Datastores used by this Virtual Machine


Property NameTypeDescription
namestringStorage pod.


Property NameTypeUnitDescription
namestringDatastore name
datastoreTypeenum(Datastore Volume Type)File system type
statusenum(Datastore Status)Aggregate connectivity status across all hosts using the Datastore
multipathingStatusenum(Multipathing Status)Aggregate multipathing status across all hosts using the Datastore
capacitylongbyteDatastore capacity
freeSpacelongbyteSpace available on the Datastore
percentFreedoublepercent% Space available on the Datastore
usedlongbyteTotal space used on the Datastore by Virtual Machine files
snapshotlongbyteTotal space used on the Datastore by snapshot files
diskUsedlongbyteTotal space used on the Datastore by Virtual Disks
configuredDisklongbyteConfigured Disk
swaplongbyteTotal space used on the Datastore by swap files
otherUsedlongbyteTotal space used on the Datastore by files such as configuration, suspend data, NVRAM, screenshots and others. This does not include Virtual Disks, snapshots or swap files
sharedlongbyteTotal space used on the Datastore by shared files
provisionedlongbyteTotal provisioned space on the Datastore
uncommittedlongbyteTotal uncommitted space on the Datastore
nonVmUsedlongbyteTotal space used by files on this Datastore that don't belong to any Virtual Machine
numVmlongNumber of Virtual Machines using this Datastore
numVmDisklongNumber of Virtual Disks present on this Datastore


Property NameTypeUnitDescription
namestringHost name
clusterstringCluster name
usedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Machines in the Host
snapshotlongbyteTotal space used by snapshot files
diskUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Disk files
configuredDisklongbyteTotal size of disks created for Virtual Machines on this Host
swaplongbyteTotal swap space used by all Virtual Machines on this Host
otherUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Machine files such as configuration, suspend data, NVRAM, screenshots and others, on this Host
sharedlongbyteTotal space used by shared Virtual Machine files in this Host
numDatastorelongNumber of Datastores used by this Host's Virtual Machines

Resource Pool

Property NameTypeUnitDescription
namestringResource Pool name
pathstringResource Pool path
hoststringHost name
clusterstringCluster name
usedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Machines in the Resource Pool
snapshotlongbyteTotal space used by snapshot files
diskUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Disk files
configuredDisklongbyteTotal size of disks created for Virtual Machines on this Resource Pool
swaplongbyteTotal swap space used by all Virtual Machines on this Resource Pool
otherUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Machine files such as configuration, suspend data, NVRAM, screenshots and others, on this Resource Pool
sharedlongbyteTotal space used by shared Virtual Machine files in this Resource Pool
numDatastorelongNumber of Datastores used by this Resource Pool's Virtual Machines


Property NameTypeUnitDescription
namestringCluster name
usedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Machines in the Cluster
snapshotlongbyteTotal space used by snapshot files
diskUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Disk files
configuredDisklongbyteTotal size of disks created for Virtual Machines on this Cluster
swaplongbyteTotal swap space used by all Virtual Machines on this Cluster
otherUsedlongbyteTotal space used by Virtual Machine files such as configuration, suspend data, NVRAM, screenshots and others, on this Cluster
sharedlongbyteTotal space used by shared Virtual Machine files in this Cluster
numDatastorelongNumber of Datastores used by this Cluster's Virtual Machines


Property NameTypeUnitDescription
diskUsedlongbyteDisk Used
otherUsedlongbyteOther Used
configuredDisklongbyteConfigured Disk
numDatastorelongNumber of Datastores

VM File

Property NameTypeUnitDescription
typeenum(VM File Type)File Type
numVmlongNumber of VMs

SCSI Volume

Property NameTypeUnitDescription
scsiIdstringVolume UUID
statusenum(Status of SCSI Volume)Status of the volume
sizelongbyteSize of the volume
vendorstringVolume manufacturer


Property NameTypeDescription
hoststringHost name
runtimeNamestringRuntime Name of the SCSI path
lunNumstringLogical Unit Number for the SCSI path
adapterstringSCSI adapter name
adapterTypeenum(SCSI Adapter Type)SCSI adapter type
volumeIdstringSCSI volume visible on the path
wwnstringNode and Port WWN of fibre channel target
targetPortWwnstringPort WWN of fibre channel target
targetNodeWwnstringNode WWN of fibre channel target
targetIscsiNamestringISCSI name of target
targetIscsiAliasstringISCSI alias of target
statusenum(SCSI Path Usage)SCSI path status
activityStateenum(SCSI Path Activity State)Indicates whether the path is currently active
preferredenum(SCSI Path Preferred)Path policy

SCSI Adapter

Property NameTypeDescription
namestringSCSI adapter name
hoststringHost name
typeenum(SCSI Adapter Type)SCSI adapter type
statusenum(SCSI Adapter Status)SCSI adapter status
modelstringSCSI adapter model
wwnstringNode and Port WWN of fibre channel adapter
portWwnstringPort WWN of fibre channel adapter
nodeWwnstringNode WWN of fibre channel adapter
iscsiNamestringISCSI name of adapter
iscsiAliasstringISCSI alias of adapter
driverstringDriver Name
pcistringThe Peripheral Connect Interface (PCI) ID of the device representing the adapter

SCSI Target

Property NameTypeDescription
typeenum(SCSI Adapter Type)SCSI target type
wwnstringNode and Port WWN of fibre channel target
portWwnstringPort WWN of fibre channel target
nodeWwnstringNode WWN of fibre channel target
iscsiNamestringISCSI name of target
iscsiAliasstringISCSI alias of target

NAS Mount

Property NameTypeDescription
remoteHoststringHost name of the NAS sub system
remotePathstringPath on the NAS sub system
userNamestringUser name
typeenum(NAS Mount Type)NAS mount type
datastorestringDatastore for the NAS mount