Enum - ClusterDasVmSettingsRestartPriority

VI API 2.5

Enum Description

The ClusterDasVmSettingsRestartPriority enum defines virtual machine restart priority values to resolve resource contention. The priority determines the preference that HA gives to a virtual machine if sufficient capacity is not available to power on all failed virtual machines. For example, high priority virtual machines on a host get preference over low priority virtual machines.

All priority values are valid for the restart priority specified in a single virtual machine HA configuration (dasSettings). All values except for clusterRestartPriority are valid for the cluster-wide default HA configuration for virtual machines (defaultVmSettings).

Enum Constants

clusterRestartPriority Virtual machines with this priority use the default restart priority defined for the cluster that contains this virtual machine.
disabled vSphere HA is disabled for this virtual machine.
high Virtual machines with this priority have a higher chance of powering on after a failure if there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs.
low Virtual machines with this priority have a lower chance of powering on after a failure if there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs.
medium Virtual machines with this priority have an intermediate chance of powering on after a failure if there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs.