Retrieving the Upload URL for the OVF Descriptor
After the vApp template and corresponding catalog item have been created, you must retrieve the template to get the upload URL for the OVF descriptor.
Example: OVF Descriptor Upload URL in a vAppTemplate
This request uses the vApp template URL referenced in the Entity element shown in the response portion of Initiating the Upload.
200 OK Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml ... <VAppTemplate xmlns="" xmlns:ovf="" ovfDescriptorUploaded="true" goldMaster="false" status="0" name="Ubuntu Template" id="urn:vcloud:vapptemplate:111" href="" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vAppTemplate+xml"> <Link rel="up" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml" href=""/> <Link rel="remove" href="" /> <Description>Ubuntu vApp Template</Description> <Files> <File name="descriptor.ovf" bytesTransferred="0"> <Link rel="upload:default" href="" /> </File> </Files> <Owner> ... </Owner> <Children /> <LeaseSettingsSection> ... </LeaseSettingsSection> <CustomizationSection> ... </CustomizationSection> </VAppTemplate>
The response body includes the following attributes:
- An ovfDescriptorUploaded attribute with a value of
, indicating that the OVF descriptor file is not uploaded. - A status attribute with a value of
, indicating that the file references in the descriptor are not uploaded. (A VAppTemplate with a status of 0 is said to be unresolved.) - A goldMaster attribute, initially set to
. - An id attribute. See Objects, References, and Representations.
The response body also includes a File element with an upload URL (rel="upload:default"
) for the OVF descriptor. The server creates the name attribute of this File element, which specifies a container that the server creates to receive the contents of the descriptor. The name attribute has no relation to the file name of the descriptor in the client’s file system.
In addition to the File element, the response includes Owner, Children, LeaseSettingsSection, and CustomizationSection elements that the server creates and sets to their default contents. For more information about these elements, see the schema reference.