Uploading the OVF Descriptor

You upload the OVF descriptor by making a PUT request to the upload URL created for it in the VAppTemplate. The request body is the descriptor's Envelope element. If the request is valid, the server responds with a 200 OK status.


Verify that you have an upload URL for the OVF descriptor. See Retrieving the Upload URL for the OVF Descriptor.


  1. Upload the OVF descriptor.
    Make a PUT request to the upload URL in the VAppTemplate. The upload URL for the OVF descriptor is in a Link element with the following form:
       href="https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../descriptor.ovf" />
    Supply the OVF descriptor as the request body. The OVF descriptor contains a single Envelope element.
  2. Verify that the request succeeded.
    A response of the following form indicates that the request was valid and is being processed:
    200 OK

Example: Uploading the OVF Descriptor

PUT https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../descriptor.ovf
Content-Type text/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   ... >
200 OK