Retrieve or Update a Modifiable Section
You can make a GET request to the URL of any modifiable section to retrieve it for modification. After you modify the section, you can make a PUT request to its edit link to update the section with your modifications.
This operation requires the rights included in the predefined vApp Author role or an equivalent set of rights.
The modified section replaces the contents of the original section. For some section types, modifications take effect immediately. For others, modifications take effect only after a power or deployment state change.
Example: Retrieve a NetworkConfigSection
This example retrieves the NetworkConfigSection of the vApp shown in Configuration Links in a vApp.
200 OK Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConfigSection+xml ... <NetworkConfigSection xmlns="" xmlns:ovf="" href="" ovf:required="false"> <ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info> <Link rel="edit" type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConfigSection+xml" href="" /> <NetworkConfig networkName="vAppNetwork"> <Configuration> <IpScopes> <IpScope> <IsInherited>true</IsInherited> <Gateway></Gateway> <Netmask></Netmask> <Dns1></Dns1> <Dns2></Dns2> <DnsSuffix></DnsSuffix> <IpRanges> <IpRange> <StartAddress></StartAddress> <EndAddress></EndAddress> </IpRange> </IpRanges> </IpScope> </IpScopes> <ParentNetwork type="application/" name="Internet" href="" /> <FenceMode>bridged</FenceMode> </Configuration> <IsDeployed>false</IsDeployed> </NetworkConfig> </NetworkConfigSection>
For an example that updates this section, see Update a NetworkConfigSection .