Update a vApp Network Configuration
To change the configuration of a vApp network, you retrieve the NetworkConfigSection element of the vApp, modify it, and use it with a PUT request to update the section.
This operation requires the rights included in the predefined vApp Author role or an equivalent set of rights.
Example: Update a NetworkConfigSection
This example modifies the NetworkConfigSection that was retrieved in Retrieve a NetworkConfigSection. The modifications change the FenceMode value to natRouted and add a Features element that defines several network features that are useful to an FTP server that must be reachable from the public Internet, but only at the FTP and SSH ports. The modifications add the following items:
- A set of FirewallRules that allow TCP traffic to ports 21 and 22. Because these rules require you to specify a single IP address on the inside of the firewall, the IpScope element is modified to limit the range of IP addresses available on the vApp network to a single address. Any virtual machine that connects to the vApp network defined in this NetworkConfigSection is given this address.
- A NatService element that maps a routable external IP address to the internal IP address allocated to the Vm by the vApp network. The VAppScopedVmId value in this element is taken from the VAppScopedLocalId element of the Vm and the VmNicId value is taken from its PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex. See Configuration Links in a Vm Element.
For more information about these and other network services in vApp networks, see Network Services in vApp Networks
This request, like all request bodies derived from a response, omits the Link elements and href attributes that were part of the retrieved NetworkConfigurationSection. It also omits the IsDeployed element of the NetworkConfig. These elements and attributes are created by the server and are read-only. They are ignored if you include them in a request. Read-only elements are noted in the schema reference.
PUT https://vcloud.example.com/api/vApp/vapp-7/networkConfigSection/ Content-type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.networkConfigSection+xml ... <NetworkConfigSection xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1"> <ovf:Info>Configuration parameters for logical networks</ovf:Info> <NetworkConfig networkName="vAppNetwork"> <Configuration> <IpScopes> <IpScope> <IsInherited>false</IsInherited> <Gateway></Gateway> <Netmask></Netmask> <Dns1></Dns1> <Dns2></Dns2> <DnsSuffix>example.com</DnsSuffix> <IpRanges> <IpRange> <StartAddress></StartAddress> <EndAddress></EndAddress> </IpRange> </IpRanges> </IpScope> </IpScopes> <ParentNetwork type="application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.network+xml" name="Internet" href="https://vcloud.example.com/api/network/54" /> <FenceMode>natRouted</FenceMode> <Features> <FirewallService> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <FirewallRule> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <Description>FTP Rule</Description> <Policy>allow</Policy> <Protocols> <Tcp>true</Tcp> </Protocols> <DestinationPortRange>21</DestinationPortRange> <DestinationIp></DestinationIp> <SourcePortRange>any</SourcePortRange> <SourceIp>any</SourceIp> <EnableLogging>false</EnableLogging> </FirewallRule> <FirewallRule> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <Description>SSH Rule</Description> <Policy>allow</Policy> <Protocols> <Tcp>true</Tcp> </Protocols> <DestinationPortRange>22</DestinationPortRange> <DestinationIp></DestinationIp> <SourcePortRange>any</SourcePortRange> <SourceIp>any</SourceIp> <EnableLogging>false</EnableLogging> </FirewallRule> </FirewallService> <NatService> <IsEnabled>true</IsEnabled> <NatType>ipTranslation</NatType> <Policy>allowTraffic</Policy> <NatRule> <OneToOneVmRule> <MappingMode>automatic</MappingMode> <VAppScopedVmId>3963994b-5a0a-48fe-b9ae-7f9a2d8e8e5b</VAppScopedVmId> <VmNicId>0</VmNicId> </OneToOneVmRule> </NatRule> </NatService> </Features> </Configuration> </NetworkConfig> </NetworkConfigSection>
202 Accepted Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.task+xml ... <Task ... operation="Updating Virtual Application Linux FTP server (7)" ...> ... </Task>