Uploading Referenced Files

You can use a PUT request to upload each file that the vApp template references.



  1. Find the upload:default URL for the file you want to upload.
  2. Use the upload:default URL to construct a PUT request for the file.
    The request specifies an upload URL and a content length in bytes. See Uploading File Data.


After all the files are uploaded, the vApp template is complete, and has a status attribute value of 8. If the upload included a manifest file, the server checks each file in the upload to verify that its checksum matches the one stated in the manifest. If a checksum does not match, the template’s status attribute is set to -1 and the template contains a Task element whose Error element indicates the reason for the failure.

Example: Uploading File Data

This example shows an upload request for one of the files that an OVF package requires. The upload request is a Content-Length header followed by the serialized file content.

PUT https://vcloud.example.com/transfer/.../disk0.vmdk
Content-length: 1950489088
  ...serialized contents of file disk0.vmdk...

200 OK