System Administration > Monitoring > Alarms And Events

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Get the list of all Alarms currently known to the system.

Returns a list of all Alarms currently known to the system.
GET /api/v1/alarms

Bulk update the status of zero or more Alarms.

Bulk update the status of zero or more Alarms that match the specified filters. The new_status value can be OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, SUPPRESSED, or RESOLVED. If new_status is SUPPRESSED, the suppress_duration query parameter must also be specified.
POST /api/v1/alarms?action=set_status

Get Alarm identified by alarm-id.

Returns alarm associated with alarm-id. If HTTP status 404 is returned,
this means the specified alarm-id is invalid or the alarm with alarm-id
has been deleted. An alarm is deleted by the system if it is RESOLVED
and older than eight days. The system can also delete the remaining
RESOLVED alarms sooner to free system resources when too many alarms
are being generated. When this happens the oldest day's RESOLVED alarms
are deleted first.
GET /api/v1/alarms/<alarm-id>

Update staus of alarm identified by alarm-id.

Update status of an Alarm. The new_status value can be OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, SUPPRESSED, or RESOLVED. If new_status is SUPPRESSED, the suppress_duration query parameter must also be specified.
POST /api/v1/alarms/<alarm-id>?action=set_status

Get the list of all Events defined in NSX.

Returns a list of all Events defined in NSX.
GET /api/v1/events

Get Events identified by event-id.

Returns event associated with event-id.
GET /api/v1/events/<event-id>

Reset all user configurable values to factory defaults.

Reset all user configurable values for event identified by event-id to factory defaults.
POST /api/v1/events/<event-id>?action=set_default

Update event associated with event-id.

Update event identified by event-id.
PUT /api/v1/events/<event-id>