Data Object - BaseImageSnapshotInfo

Returned by
See also
BaseImageSnapshotId, BaseImageSnapshotIncompatibleReasons, VirtualCenterId
Horizon View 6.0

Data Object Description

BaseImageSnapshotInfo is a set of VM snapshot attributes retrieved from the VC.

Data Object Properties


Name Type Description

VM Snapshot Id
  • This property cannot be updated.

VM Snapshot name
  • This property cannot be updated.

VM Snapshot path
  • This property cannot be updated.

VirtualCenter id for this snapshot
  • This property cannot be updated.

Description of the snapshot.
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Time the snapshot was created.
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

VM Snapshot hardware version.
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

NVIDIA GRID vGPU type configured on this snapshot, if any.

Since Horizon View 6.1
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Maximum number of monitors set in SVGA settings for the snapshot in vCenter.

Since Horizon 7.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Total video memory in MB set in SVGA settings for the snapshot in vCenter.

Since Horizon 7.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Maximum resolution of any one monitor set in SVGA settings for the snapshot in vCenter.

Since Horizon 7.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Flag to indicate whether the virtual video card for the snapshot supports 3D functions.

Since Horizon 7.6
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Indicate how the virtual video device for the snapshot renders 3D graphics. Will be set only if enable3DSupport is true.

Since Horizon 7.6
  • This property has a default value of "DISABLED".
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.
  • This property will be one of:
    Value Description
    "MANAGE_BY_VSPHERE_CLIENT"3D rendering managed by vSphere Client.
    "AUTOMATIC"3D rendering is automatic.
    "SOFTWARE"3D rendering is software dependent. The software renderer is supported (at minimum) on virtual hardware version 8 in a vSphere 5.0 environment.
    "HARDWARE"3D rendering is hardware dependent. The hardware-based renderer is supported (at minimum) on virtual hardware version 9 in a vSphere 5.1 environment.
    "DISABLED"3D rendering is disabled.

Reasons that may preclude this BaseImageSnapshot from being used in linked clone desktop or farm creation.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Memory size of the snapshot, in MB.

Since Horizon 7.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Sum of capacities of all the virtual disks in the snapshot, in bytes.

Since Horizon 7.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Amount of memory that is guaranteed available to the virtual machine, in MB.

Since Horizon 7.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Reference ID used for this base image snapshot.

Since Horizon 8.1
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Indicates Carbon Black scan is complete and is ready to clone for Instant Clone desktop or farm creation.

Since Horizon 8.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.

Carbon Black scan completion percentage.

Since Horizon 8.4
  • This property need not be set.
  • This property cannot be updated.
  • This property has a minimum value of 0.
  • This property has a maximum value of 100.