Service - PodHealth

See also
PodHealthInfo, PodId
Horizon View 6.0

Service Description

Representing status and health information for PodFederation.


Methods defined in this Service
PodHealth_Get, PodHealth_List


Get health status on a specified pod.
This operation can only be performed if the current pod is a member pod of a Pod Federation.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to read the health of a pod.


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the PodHealth used to make the method call.

pod to get health status for. Cannot be local pod.

Return Value

Type Description
PodHealthInfoPodHealthInfo containing health/status information the specified pod


Type Description
EntityNotFoundThrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermissionThrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgumentThrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidStateThrown if the Pod Federation has not been initialized
InvalidTypeThrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFaultThrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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Get health status on all remote pods in the Multi-DataCenter View Pod Federation.
This operation can only be performed if the current pod is a member pod of a Pod Federation.


Privilege Description
FEDERATED_LDAP_VIEW Global LDAP read is required to list pod health.


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the PodHealth used to make the method call.

Return Value

Type Description
PodHealthInfo[]list of PodHealthInfo containing health/status information for all pods except for the local pod.


Type Description
EntityNotFoundThrown if any specified entity cannot be found.
InsufficientPermissionThrown if the user does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.
InvalidArgumentThrown if any specified argument is invalid.
InvalidStateThrown if this pod is not in the valid state to perform getStatus operation.
InvalidTypeThrown if the type of any specified argument is invalid.
UnexpectedFaultThrown if an unexpected error occurs while performing the operation.

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