API Description | API Path |
Collect audit logs from registered manager nodesThis API is executed on a manager node to display audit logs from all nodes inside the management plane cluster. An audit log collection will be triggered if the local master audit log is outdated. |
POST /api/v1/administration/audit-logs
Get the list of all Alarms currently known to the system.Returns a list of all Alarms currently known to the system. |
GET /api/v1/alarms
Bulk update the status of zero or more Alarms.Bulk update the status of zero or more Alarms that match the specified filters. The new_status value can be OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, SUPPRESSED, or RESOLVED. If new_status is SUPPRESSED, the suppress_duration query parameter must also be specified. |
POST /api/v1/alarms?action=set_status
Get Alarm identified by alarm-id.Returns alarm associated with alarm-id. If HTTP status 404 is returned, this means the specified alarm-id is invalid or the alarm with alarm-id has been deleted. An alarm is deleted by the system if it is RESOLVED and older than eight days. The system can also delete the remaining RESOLVED alarms sooner to free system resources when too many alarms are being generated. When this happens the oldest day's RESOLVED alarms are deleted first. |
GET /api/v1/alarms/<alarm-id>
Update staus of alarm identified by alarm-id.Update status of an Alarm. The new_status value can be OPEN, ACKNOWLEDGED, SUPPRESSED, or RESOLVED. If new_status is SUPPRESSED, the suppress_duration query parameter must also be specified. |
POST /api/v1/alarms/<alarm-id>?action=set_status
Get automatic health check toggleGet detailed info for automatic health check toggle. |
GET /api/v1/automatic-health-check-toggle
Update automatic health check toggleChange status of automatic health check toggle to enabled/disabled. |
PUT /api/v1/automatic-health-check-toggle
List automatic health checksQuery automatic health checks with list parameters. |
GET /api/v1/automatic-health-checks
Get an automatic health checkGet health check performed by system automatically for specific transport zone. |
GET /api/v1/automatic-health-checks/transport-zones/<transport-zone-id>
Fetches a list of metadata for all the registered error resolversReturns a list of metadata for all the error resolvers registered. |
GET /api/v1/error-resolver
Resolves the errorInvokes the corresponding error resolver for the given error(s) present in the payload |
POST /api/v1/error-resolver?action=resolve_error
Fetches metadata about the given error_idReturns some metadata about the given error_id. This includes information of whether there is a resolver present for the given error_id and its associated user input data |
GET /api/v1/error-resolver/<error_id>
Get the list of all Events defined in NSX.Returns a list of all Events defined in NSX. |
GET /api/v1/events
Get Events identified by event-id.Returns event associated with event-id. |
GET /api/v1/events/<event-id>
Reset all user configurable values to factory defaults.Reset all user configurable values for event identified by event-id to factory defaults. |
POST /api/v1/events/<event-id>?action=set_default
Update event associated with event-id.Update event identified by event-id. |
PUT /api/v1/events/<event-id>
Collect alarms from all NSX nodesThis API is executed on a manager node to return current alarms from all NSX nodes. This API is deprecated as part of alarm framework enhancements. Please use below new APIs: GET /alarms GET /alarms/<alarm-id> POST /alarms/<alarm-id>?action=set_status POST /alarms?action=set_status GET /events GET /events/<event-id> PUT /events/<event-id> POST /events/<event-id>?action=set_default |
GET /api/v1/hpm/alarms
List all health performance monitoring feature stacks |
GET /api/v1/hpm/features
Read health performance monitoring configuration for feature stackReturns the complete set of client type data collection configuration records for the specified feature stack. |
GET /api/v1/hpm/features/<feature-stack-name>
Reset the data collection frequency configuration setting to the default values |
POST /api/v1/hpm/features/<feature-stack-name>?action=reset_collection_frequency
Update health performance monitoring configuration for feature stackApply the data collection configuration for the specified feature stack. |
PUT /api/v1/hpm/features/<feature-stack-name>
Read global health performance monitoring configuration |
GET /api/v1/hpm/global-config
Set the global configuration for aggregation service related data collection |
PUT /api/v1/hpm/global-config
List latency profiles |
GET /api/v1/latency-profiles
Create a new latency profile |
POST /api/v1/latency-profiles
Delete an existing latency profile |
DELETE /api/v1/latency-profiles/<latency-profile-id>
Get an existing latency profile configuration |
GET /api/v1/latency-profiles/<latency-profile-id>
Update an existing latency profile |
PUT /api/v1/latency-profiles/<latency-profile-id>
List available node logsReturns the number of log files and lists the log files that reside on the NSX virtual appliance. The list includes the filename, file size, and last-modified time in milliseconds since epoch (1 January 1970) for each log file. Knowing the last-modified time with millisecond accuracy since epoch is helpful when you are comparing two times, such as the time of a POST request and the end time on a server. |
GET /api/v1/node/logs
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/<transport-node-id>/node/logs GET /api/v1/cluster/<cluster-node-id>/node/logs |
Read node log propertiesFor a single specified log file, lists the filename, file size, and last-modified time. |
GET /api/v1/node/logs/<log-name>
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/<transport-node-id>/node/logs/<log-name> GET /api/v1/cluster/<cluster-node-id>/node/logs/<log-name> |
Read node log contentsFor a single specified log file, returns the content of the log file. This method supports byte-range requests. To request just a portion of a log file, supply an HTTP Range header, e.g. "Range: bytes= end of the file are returned.' |
GET /api/v1/node/logs/<log-name>/data
GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/<transport-node-id>/node/logs/<log-name>/data GET /api/v1/cluster/<cluster-node-id>/node/logs/<log-name>/data |
Returns a list of registered notification watchers.Returns a list of registered notification watchers. |
GET /api/v1/notification-watchers
Add a new notification watcher.Add a new notification watcher. |
POST /api/v1/notification-watchers
Delete an existing Notification-Watcher.Delete notification watcher. |
DELETE /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>
Returns notification watcher by watcher id.Returns notification watcher by watcher id. |
GET /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>
Update notification watcher.Update notification watcher. |
PUT /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>
Get notifications for the specified watcher ID.Get notifications for the specified watcher ID. |
GET /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>/notifications
Add uri filters for the specified watcher ID.Add uri filters for the specified watcher ID. |
POST /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>/notifications?action=add_uri_filters
Delete uri filters for the specified watcher ID.Delete uri filters for the specified watcher ID. |
POST /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>/notifications?action=delete_uri_filters
Update notifications for the specified watcher ID.Update notifications for the specified watcher ID. |
PUT /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>/notifications
Create container cluster status list |
DELETE /api/v1/systemhealth/container-cluster/<cluster-id>/ncp/status
Get the container cluster status by given id |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/container-cluster/<cluster-id>/ncp/status
Get all the container cluster status |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/container-cluster/ncp/status
Create container cluster status list |
POST /api/v1/systemhealth/container-cluster/ncp/status
Show all the system health pluginShow all the system health plugins. |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/plugins
Create a system health pluginCreate a system health plugin. |
POST /api/v1/systemhealth/plugins
Delete an existing system health pluginDelete an existing system health plugin by ID. |
DELETE /api/v1/systemhealth/plugins/<plugin-id>
Show the details of a system health pluginShow the details of a system health plugin. |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/plugins/<plugin-id>
Upload a plugin File to MP |
POST /api/v1/systemhealth/plugins/<plugin-id>/files/<file-name>/data
Show the installed system health plugin listShow all the installed system health plugins on given node |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/plugins/status/<node-id>
List all system health profilesList all system health profiles. |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/profiles
Create a system health profileCreate a system health profile. |
POST /api/v1/systemhealth/profiles
Delete an existing system health profileDelete an existing system health profile by ID. |
DELETE /api/v1/systemhealth/profiles/<profile-id>
Show the details of a system health profileShow the details of a system health profile. |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/profiles/<profile-id>
Update a system health profileUpdate a system health profile definition. |
PUT /api/v1/systemhealth/profiles/<profile-id>
Get the containter status on given node |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/transport-nodes/<node-id>/container/agent/status
Get the containter hyperbus status on given node |
GET /api/v1/systemhealth/transport-nodes/<node-id>/container/hyperbus/status