Policy > Networking > Connectivity > Tier-0 Gateways > Interfaces > ARP Table

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Get ARP table from segment interface (downlink)

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) for the
interface (downlink) attaching segment to tier-0/tier-1 gateway, on a edge
node specified in edge_path parameter.
The edge_path parameter is mandatory.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/segments/<segment-id>/arp-table

Get ARP table from segment interface (downlink) in CSV format

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) in CSV format for the
interface (downlink) attaching segment to tier-0/tier-1 gateway, on a edge
node specified in edge_path parameter.
The edge_path parameter is mandatory.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/segments/<segment-id>/arp-table?format=csv

Get ARP table from tier-0 interface in CSV format

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) in CSV format
for the tier-0 interface, on a edge node if a query parameter
"edge_path=" is given. The edge_path
parameter is mandatory if the interface type is not EXTERNAL.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-0s/<tier-0-id>/locale-services/<locale-service-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>/arp-table?format=csv

Get ARP table from tier-0 interface

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) for the
tier-0 interface, on a edge node if a query parameter
"edge_path=" is given. The edge_path
parameter is mandatory if the interface type is not EXTERNAL.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-0s/<tier-0-id>/locale-services/<locale-service-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>/arp-table