Policy > Networking > Connectivity > Tier-1 Gateways

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List Tier-1 instances

Paginated list of all Tier-1 instances
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s

Delete Tier-1 configuration

Delete Tier-1 configuration
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>

Read Tier-1 configuration

Read Tier-1 configuration
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>

Create or update Tier-1 configuration

If Tier-1 with the tier-1-id is not already present, create a new Tier-1 instance.
If it already exists, update the tier-1 instance with specified attributes.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>

Reprocess Tier1 gateway configuration and publish updates to NSX controller

Reprocess Tier1 gateway configuration and configuration of related entities like Tier1 interfaces
and static routes, etc. Any missing Updates are published to NSX controller.
POST /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>?action=reprocess

Create or update tier-1 configuration

If Tier-1 with the tier-1-id is not already present, create a new Tier-1 instance.
If it already exists, replace the Tier-1 instance with this object.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>

Get forwarding table from tier-1 in CSV format

Get forwarding table from tier-1 gateway in CSV format.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/forwarding-table?format=csv

Get forwarding table from tier-1

Get forwarding table from tier-1
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/forwarding-table

List Tier-1 locale-services

Paginated list of all Tier-1 locale-services
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services

Get ARP table from tier-1 interface

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) for the
tier-1 interface, on a edge node specified in edge_path parameter.
The edge_path parameter is mandatory.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-service-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>/arp-table

Get ARP table from tier-1 interface in CSV format

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) in CSV format
for the tier-1 interface, on a edge node specified in edge_path parameter.
The edge_path parameter is mandatory.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-service-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>/arp-table?format=csv

Get tier-1 interface statistics information

Get tier-1 interface statistics information.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-service-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>/statistics

Get tier-1 interface statistics summary information

Get tier-1 interface statistics information.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-service-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>/statistics/summary

Delete Tier-1 locale-services

Delete Tier-1 locale-services
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>

Read Tier-1 locale-services

Read Tier-1 locale-services
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>

Create or update a Tier-1 locale-services

If a Tier-1 locale services with the locale-services-id is not already
present, create a new locale services. If it already exists, update
Tier-1 locale services with specified attributes.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>

Create or update a Tier-1 locale-services

If a Tier-1 locale services with the locale-services-id is not already
present, create a new locale-services. If it already exists, replace the
Tier-1 locale services instance with the new object.

Modifying edge cluster re-allocates NSX service routers of TIER1 to a different edge
cluster. You can also place edge nodes manually and provide maximum two indices
for HA mode ACTIVE_STANDBY. To re-allocating edge cluster is a disruptive operation
and all existing statistics of Tier1 gateway will be removed.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>

List Tier-1 interfaces

Paginated list of all Tier-1 interfaces
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/interfaces
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/interfaces

Delete Tier-1 interface

Delete Tier-1 interface
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>

Read Tier-1 interface

Read Tier-1 interface
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>

Create or update a Tier-1 interface

If an interface with the interface-id is not already present, create a new
interface. If it already exists, update the interface for specified
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>

Create or update a tier-1 interface

If an interface with the interface-id is not already present, create a new
interface. If it already exists, replace the interface with this object.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/interfaces/<interface-id>

Get ARP table from segment interface (downlink) in CSV format

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) in CSV format for the
interface (downlink) attaching segment to tier1 gateway, on a edge
node specified in edge_path parameter.
The edge_path parameter is mandatory.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/segments/<segment-id>/arp-table?format=csv

Get ARP table from segment interface (downlink)

Returns ARP table (IPv4) or Neighbor Discovery table (IPv6) for the
interface (downlink) attaching segment to tier-1 gateway, on a edge
node specified in edge_path parameter.
The edge_path parameter is mandatory.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/segments/<segment-id>/arp-table

Get Tier1 state

GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/state

List Tier-1 Static Routes

Paginated list of all Tier-1 Static Routes
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/static-routes
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/static-routes

Delete Tier-1 static routes

Delete Tier-1 static routes
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/static-routes/<route-id>

Read Tier-1 static routes

Read Tier-1 static routes
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/static-routes/<route-id>
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/static-routes/<route-id>

Create or update a Tier-1 static routes

If static routes for route-id are not already present, create
static routes. If it already exists, update static routes for route-id.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/static-routes/<route-id>

Create or update a Tier-1 static routes

If static routes for route-id are not already present, create
static routes. If it already exists, replace the static routes for route-id.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/static-routes/<route-id>