deleteFromDisk | xsd:boolean |
Determines whether the Machine VM should be deleted from vCenter
Server. This is only applicable for managed machines. This must always
be true for machines in linked and instant clone desktops. This
defaults to true for linked and instant clone machines and false for
all other types.
Note :- If this is true, then machine being deleted must not have any
active user session, otherwise delete operation would fail.
- This property need not be set.
archivePersistentDisk | xsd:boolean |
Determines whether to detach the persistent user disk and save it for
future use. This can only be specified for linked-clone desktops with
redirectWindowsProfile enabled, in which
case it defaults to true.
- This property need not be set.
archiveDatastorePath | DatastorePathId |
Determines the location where the persistent user disk will be saved
for future use. If this is unset and archivePersistentDisk is
specified, the persistent disk is archived in place.
- This property need not be set.
allowDeleteFromMultiDesktops | xsd:boolean |
Determines whether the machines from different desktops can be
deleted. This defaults to false in which case only machines belonging
to single desktop pool can be deleted. If true, machines from
different desktops can be deleted.
Since Horizon 7.5
This property has a default value of
- This property need not be set.
forceLogoffSession | xsd:boolean |
Determines whether active session on the machine to be logged off
before deletion. This is only applicable for managed machines. If true,
active session on the machine will be logged off before Machine
delete. Otherwise,it will result in an exception.
Since Horizon 7.7
This property has a default value of
- This property need not be set.