Data Object - ClusterConfigSpecEx(vim.cluster.ConfigSpecEx)

Property of
Parameter to
See also
ClusterDasConfigInfo, ClusterDasVmConfigSpec, ClusterDpmConfigInfo, ClusterDpmHostConfigSpec, ClusterDrsConfigInfo, ClusterDrsVmConfigSpec, ClusterGroupSpec, ClusterInfraUpdateHaConfigInfo, ClusterOrchestrationInfo, ClusterProactiveDrsConfigInfo, ClusterRuleSpec, ClusterVmOrchestrationSpec, VsanClusterConfigInfo, VsanHostConfigInfo
VI API 2.5

Data Object Description

The ClusterConfigSpecEx data object provides a set of update specifications for complete cluster configuration. You can configure a cluster when you create a new cluster (the CreateClusterEx method) or when you reconfigure an existing cluster (the ReconfigureComputeResource_Task method).

All fields are optional. If you set the modify parameter to true when you call ReconfigureComputeResource_Task, an unset property has no effect on the existing property value in the cluster configuration on the Server. If you set the modify parameter to false when you reconfigure a cluster, the cluster configuration is reverted to the default values, then the new configuration values are applied.

Use the properties defined for this object to configure the following services:

The HA, DRS, and DPM services are integrated with the FT (Fault Tolerance) and EVC (Enhanced vMotion Compatibility) services. Use the CreateSecondaryVM_Task method to establish fault tolerance for a virtual machine. Use the vSphere Client to configure EVC. The HA, DRS, DPM, FT, and EVC services interact under the following circumstances.

1High Availability was previously called Distributed Availability Services.


Name Type Description

HA configuration; includes default settings for virtual machines.

HA configuration for individual virtual machines. The entries in this array override the cluster default settings (ClusterDasConfigInfo.defaultVmSettings). You cannot specify an HA override for a secondary FT virtual machine. The secondary virtual machine will inherit whatever settings apply to its primary virtual machine. If you include an entry for a secondary, the reconfigure method will throw the fault CannotChangeHaSettingsForFtSecondary.

DPM configuration; includes default settings for hosts.

DPM configuration for individual hosts. The entries in this array override the cluster default settings (ClusterDpmConfigInfo.defaultDpmBehavior).

DRS configuration; includes default settings for virtual machines.

DRS configuration for individual virtual machines. The entries in this array override the cluster default settings (ClusterDrsConfigInfo.defaultVmBehavior). You cannot specify a DRS override for a secondary FT virtual machine. The secondary virtual machine will inherit whatever setting applies to its primary virtual machine. If you include an entry for a secondary, the reconfigure method will throw the fault CannotChangeDrsBehaviorForFtSecondary.

Cluster-wide group configuration. The array contains one or more group specification objects. A group specification object contains a virtual machine group (ClusterVmGroup) or a host group (ClusterHostGroup). Groups can be related; see ClusterVmHostRuleInfo.

Since vSphere API 4.1

InfraUpdateHA configuration.

Since vSphere API 6.5

Flag to place the cluster in the HCI workflow during cluster creation. This flag is specified only at the time of cluster creation. A cluster cannot be reconfigured to place it in the HCI workflow.

Since vSphere API 6.7.1

Cluster configuration of VM orchestration.

Since vSphere API 6.5

ProactiveDrs configuration.

Since vSphere API 6.5

Cluster affinity and anti-affinity rule configuration.

List of specific VM configurations that apply during cluster wide VM orchestration. Each entry applies to one virtual machine, and overrides the cluster default settings.

Since vSphere API 6.5

VSAN configuration; includes default settings for hosts.

Since vSphere API 5.5

VSAN configuration for individual hosts. The entries in this array override the cluster default settings as specified in VsanClusterConfigInfo.

Since vSphere API 5.5
Properties inherited from ComputeResourceConfigSpec
defaultHardwareVersionKey, spbmEnabled, vmSwapPlacement
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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