Data Object - VsanFileShareQuerySpec(vim.vsan.FileShareQuerySpec)

Parameter to
vSAN API 7.0

Data Object Description

Specification for querying vSAN file share information. If no information other than the domain name has been provided then all the share information under this domain will be returned. If any field is present, then only the shares matching the field query will be returned from the query spec. Due to the pagination mechanism, the file shares loaded through different API calls are not guaranteed to be atomic.


Name Type Description

The name of the domain which the share belongs to. If not specified, the file shares under all the domains will be queried.

This field sets the upper limit for the maximum number of shares to be returned. Default and maximum value for pagination limit is 64. If the limit is larger than the allowed pagination size or is a negative number, an InvalidArgument exception will be thrown.

List of vSAN file share names to be queried.

All file shares are sorted in alphabetical order. The offset indicates the starting element of the file share name. For the query of multiple pages the value should be the nextOffset of the return value of the last query. For more explanation, see {@vim.vsan.FileShareQueryResult#nextOffset}. If the offset cannot be found in the list, the next file share in alphabetical order will be returned as the first element.

List of the vSAN file share UUIDs to be queried.
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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