Managed Object - VsanFileServiceSystem(vim.vsan.VsanFileServiceSystem)

See also
ClusterComputeResource, FileShareQueryResult, Network, Task, VsanFileServiceDomain, VsanFileServiceDomainConfig, VsanFileServiceDomainQuerySpec, VsanFileServiceOvfSpec, VsanFileServicePreflightCheckResult, VsanFileShareConfig, VsanFileShareQuerySpec
vSAN API 7.0

Managed Object Description

This managed object type provides the file service related configuration and query APIs. It can be accessed through MOID of 'vsan-cluster-file-service-system', through vSAN service on vCenter at cluster level, or accessed through MOID of 'vsan-file-service-system' on ESXi host for the detailed operation.


Name Type Description


Methods defined in this Managed Object
VsanClusterCreateFsDomain, VsanClusterQueryFileShares, VsanClusterQueryFsDomains, VsanClusterReconfigureFsDomain, VsanClusterRemoveFsDomain, VsanClusterRemoveShare, VsanCreateFileShare, VsanDownloadFileServiceOvf, VsanFindOvfDownloadUrl, VsanPerformFileServiceEnablePreflightCheck, VsanQueryFileServiceOvfs, VsanReconfigureFileShare, VsanUpgradeFsvm


Creates a file service domain in the vSAN cluster. A vSAN file service domain is designed with the following properties: Once a file service domain is created, its ID mapping method (AD or AUTH_SYS) can no longer be changed. Also in current version, only one file service domain can be created per cluster, whih can be initiated when the file service is enabled.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Host.Config.Storage ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
domainConfig PVsanFileServiceDomainConfig

Domain configuration information.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
A task tracking the domain creation progress.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException for invalid input arguments, for example, if the domain name already configured in the cluster.
InvalidStateException when vSAN file service is not enabled in this cluster.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



Show WSDL type definition


Lists all file shares in the domain. To list all the file shares in the domain, leave both the shareUuids and shareNames field empty. Otherwise the return result will be a set of file shares matches the share UUID or share name provided in the parameters. If both fields are provided, only those file shares with both share name and share UUID matched will be returned. Note that if none of file shares matches the querySpec, the return value is None.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
System.Read ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
querySpec PVsanFileShareQuerySpec

The specifications of the file shares to be queried.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
FileShareQueryResultResult of the file share query.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException for invalid input arguments, for example, if the domain does not exist in this cluster.
InvalidStateException when vSAN file service is not enabled in this cluster.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Lists all file service domains in the vSAN cluster. To list all the file service domains, leave both the uuids and names field empty. Otherwise the return result will be a set of file service domains matches the domain UUID or domain name provided in the parameters. If both fields are provided, only those file service domain with both domain name and domain UUID matched will be returned.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
System.Read ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
querySpec* PVsanFileServiceDomainQuerySpec

The specifications of the file service domains to be queried.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
VsanFileServiceDomain[]List of all the domain information on this host.


Type Description
InvalidStateException when the file service is not enabled in this cluster.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



Show WSDL type definition


Updates a file service domain in the vSAN cluster. As for file service domain IP configuration, it is only allowed to extend IP addresses but not to shrink IP addresses.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Host.Config.Storage ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
domainUuid Pxsd:string

The UUID of the domain to be reconfigured.

Since vSAN API 7.0
domainConfig PVsanFileServiceDomainConfig

New configuration of the domain. Only set the fields that require reconfiguration, and leave others unset.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
A task tracking the domain reconfiguration progress.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException for invalid input arguments, for example, if the domain does not exist in this cluster.
InvalidStateException when vSAN file service is not enabled in this cluster.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Removes a file service domain in the vSAN cluster. A file service domain is not allowed to be removed if it still has any file shares.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Host.Config.Storage ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
domainUuid Pxsd:string

The unique domain uuid that is configured in the directory service, for example, Active Directory (AD) from Microsoft.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
A task tracking the domain remove progress.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException for invalid input arguments, for example, if the domain does not exist in this cluster.
InvalidStateException when vSAN file service is not enabled in this cluster, or it still has file shares.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



Show WSDL type definition


Removes a file share in the domain.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Host.Config.Storage ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
shareUuid Pxsd:string

The UUID of the file share to be removed.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
force* Pxsd:boolean

The force flag is to force the removal of a vSphere managed file share, for example, the file share managed by Cloud Native Storage (CNS) service.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
A task tracking the file share remove progress.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException for invalid input arguments, for example, if the file share does not exist in this cluster.
InvalidStateException when vSAN file service is not enabled in this cluster.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Creates a file share in this vSAN cluster.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Host.Config.Storage ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
config PVsanFileShareConfig

The file services configuration.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
A task tracking the share creation progress. The UUID of the file share will be set to the task result field if the task succeeds.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException for invalid input arguments, for example, if the domain for this new file share does not exist in this cluster.
InvalidStateException when vSAN file service is not enabled in this cluster.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Downloads a file service OVF file of the specified version from VMware website and install it to the OVF repository in vCenter.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Global.VCServer RootFolder
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
downloadUrl Pxsd:string

URL to download the vSAN file service OVF.

Since vSAN API 7.0
P Required privilege: downloadUrl

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
Task for tracking the OVF installation.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException if the OVF of the specified version does not exist as specified in the source URL.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Find a compatible vSAN File Service OVF download URL for the target cluster. This API needs internet access to fetch the latest OVF download URL for the specified cluster.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
System.Read ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
cluster PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster to download OVF files.

Since vSAN API 7.0
P Required privilege: cluster

Return Value

Type Description
xsd:stringThe OVF download URL. Return an empty string if no proper OVF download URL could be found.


Type Description
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Perform a upgrade preflight check on a cluster for enabling for vSAN file service. The preflight check items for enabling file service includes:

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
System.Read ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
cluster PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster to enable file service.

Since vSAN API 7.0
domainConfig* PVsanFileServiceDomainConfig

The domain configuration. If not specified, the validation for the domain will be skipped.

Since vSAN API 7.0
network* PManagedObjectReference
to a Network

The network which will be used for fs containers

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
VsanFileServicePreflightCheckResultPreflight check result.


Type Description
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



Show WSDL type definition


Lists all available vSAN File Service OVF in this vCenter.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Global.VCServer RootFolder
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.

Return Value

Type Description
VsanFileServiceOvfSpec[]List of the file services OVFs available in this vCenter.


Type Description
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Reconfigures a file share in this vSAN cluster. All the configurations of a vSAN file share can be reconfigured through this API, except the file service domain.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Host.Config.Storage ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
shareUuid Pxsd:string

The UUID of the file share to be reconfigured.

Since vSAN API 7.0
config PVsanFileShareConfig

The file services configuration. Only set the fields that require reconfiguration, and leave the others unset. This API will update or create the labels specified in the config. Labels to be deleted should be specified in the 'deleteLabelKeys' parameter. Other labels will remain intact.

Since vSAN API 7.0
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster. Ignored when called on ESXi hosts.

Since vSAN API 7.0
deleteLabelKeys* Pxsd:string[]

The keys of share labels to be deleted. If a specified label key does not exist in the file share, the deletion of this label will be ignored.

Since vSAN API 7.0
force* Pxsd:boolean

The force flag is to force the reconfiguration of a vSphere managed file share, for example, the file share managed by Cloud Native Storage (CNS) service.

Since vSAN API 7.0
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
A task tracking the share reconfiguring progress.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentException for invalid input arguments, for example, if the file share does not exist in this cluster.
InvalidStateException when vSAN file service is not enabled in this cluster.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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Upgrade FSVM to latest ovf that is compatible with cluster's host version. A compatible OVF is expected be uploaded before calling this API. A preflight check will be conducted before the upgrade on the following API.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
Host.Inventory.EditCluster ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanFileServiceSystem used to make the method call.
cluster PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster in which FSVM deployed.

Since vSAN API 7.0
P Required privilege: cluster

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task


Type Description
InvalidStateException if the OVF of the compatible version for the hosts cannot be found on the corresponding vCenter server, or file service is not running in a valid state.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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