Data Object - VsanResourceCheckResult(vim.vsan.ResourceCheckResult)

Property of
See also
LocalizableMessage, VsanClusterHealthSummary, VsanFaultDomainResourceCheckResult, VsanHealthThreshold
vSAN API 6.8.7

Data Object Description

The resource check result for the queried spec VsanResourceCheckSpec.


Name Type Description

Capacity threshold in percentage of total capacity. For example, if total used capacity is more than {VsanHealthThreshold.yellowValue}% than status or the entity capcity should be marked as 'yellow'.

Since vSAN API vSAN 6.7U3

The predicted data migration in bytes assuming the queried operation gets performed. For example, if the queried resource check type is for host enter maintenance mode operation, vSAN will simulate how many bytes of data will need to move during the host enter maintenance mode process.

Detailed hierarchical resource check report. At the top of the hierarchy it is fault domain level resource check report. Please see VsanFaultDomainResourceCheckResult.

What-if vSAN cluster health summary which indicates how the related vSAN health check will look after queried operation is performed.

The vSAN UUID of objects which are predicted to become inaccessible after the operation is done. For example, for a FTT=0 object which has only one component on the host, the object will become inaccessible if "noAction" is chosen as the data evacuation mode after the host enters maintenance mode.

Informative and localizable messages for the resource check.

The vSAN UUID of objects which are predicted to become non-compliant after the operation is done. For example, the object may become non-compliant if "ensureObjectAccessibility" is chosen as the data evacuation mode after the host enters maintenance mode.

The overall status of resource check result if resource check has completed. The possible statuses are:
  • "green": Resource check passed for the queried operation. There is sufficient resource in vSAN cluster to perform the queried operation.
  • "yellow": Resource check passed for the queried operation, but there is some existing issue in the cluster, e.g., network partition.
  • "red": Resource check failed for the queried operation. If any entity is suggested to be added by resource check report (i.e. "isNew" flag is set to true), then there is not enough resource in current vSAN cluster for the given operation. Extra resource is required to make the given operation succeed.


The timestamp when the resource check result is generated. The timestamp will remain unchanged if the resource check result is cached and fetched in the future indicating when the resource check was performed.
Properties inherited from EntityResourceCheckDetails
additionalRequiredCapacity, capacity, components, isNew, maxComponents, name, postOperationCapacity, postOperationUsedCapacity, usedCapacity, uuid
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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