Data Object - ClusterComputeResourceSummary(vim.ClusterComputeResource.Summary)

See also
ClusterDasAdmissionControlInfo, ClusterDasData, ClusterUsageSummary

Data Object Description

The ClusterComputeResourceSummary data object encapsulates runtime properties of a ClusterComputeResource.


Name Type Description

Information about the current amount of resources available for a vSphere HA cluster. The actual type of admissionControlInfo will depend on what kind of ClusterDasAdmissionControlPolicy was used to configure the cluster.

Since vSphere API 4.0

The current balance, in terms of standard deviation, for a DRS cluster. Units are thousandths. For example, 12 represents 0.012.

Since vSphere API 4.0

The Enhanced VMotion Compatibility mode that is currently in effect for all hosts in this cluster; unset if no EVC mode is active.
See supportedEVCMode

Since vSphere API 4.0
currentFailoverLevelxsd:intDeprecated. As of vSphere API 4.0, use currentFailoverLevel

Current failover level. This is the number of physical host failures that can be tolerated without impacting the ability to satisfy the minimums for all running virtual machines. This represents the current value, as opposed to desired value configured by the user.

Data pertaining to DAS.

Since vSphere API 5.0

The DRS score of this cluster, in percentage.

Since vSphere API 7.0

Total number of migrations with VMotion that have been done internal to this cluster.

The number of VMs in this cluster corresponding to each DRS score bucket. The buckets are defined as follows:
  • 0% - 20%
  • 21% - 40%
  • 41% - 60%
  • 61% - 80%
  • 81% - 100%

Since vSphere API 7.0

The target balance, in terms of standard deviation, for a DRS cluster. Units are thousandths. For example, 12 represents 0.012.

Since vSphere API 4.0

The current usage summary for a DRS cluster.

Since vSphere API 6.0
Properties inherited from ComputeResourceSummary
effectiveCpu, effectiveMemory, numCpuCores, numCpuThreads, numEffectiveHosts, numHosts, overallStatus, totalCpu, totalMemory
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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