Managed Object - VsanCapabilitySystem(vim.cluster.VsanCapabilitySystem)

See also
vSphere API 6.0

Managed Object Description

The VsanCapabilitySystem exposes interfaces to retrieve the supported capabilities on the current system. The Managed Entity can be accessed through MOID of vsan-vc-capability-system at vCenter server side or vsan-capability-system at ESXi server side.


Name Type Description


Methods defined in this Managed Object


Retrieves the supported capabilities on the current system. The calculation is based on the available APIs and registered managed objects. This way the client can be sure if a certain feature is supported on the system or not. For scenarios like disconnected hosts, older version hosts than ESXi 6.0 U1, or unable to retrieve capabilities due to other reasons, along with empty capability set, status of target managed object at the retrieving time is also returned to explain the reason. For a host whose capabilities are calculated according to host version, a 'calculated' capability status is returned. For other cases, the statuses field in VsanCapability is omitted.

Combined Privileges Required (on vSphere ManagedEntity):
Privileges Required on
System.Read ClusterComputeResource
* The RootFolder entity in above table refers to the vCenter server itself in the vCenter UI
* The ClusterComputeResource entity in above table refers to the cluster which is being operated on

* The Required Privileges section below is not used, please ignore.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanCapabilitySystem used to make the method call.

An optional list of targeted managed objects. The supported targets are HostSystem and ClusterComputeResource instances. If a HostSystem is given, the result contains information about the capabilities of this certain host. If a cluster is passed, the result contains information about the capabilities of all hosts that reside in the cluster and the capabilities of the vCenter. If the targets parameter is empty, the result contains only the capabilities of the current vCenter.

Since vSphere API 6.0
*Need not be set

Return Value

Type Description
VsanCapability[]A list of vim.cluster.VsanCapability.


Type Description
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.



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© 2015-2018 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revision 15-Mar-2018  | VMware vSAN Management API  |  Version 6.7