Managed Object - VsanIoInsightManager(vim.cluster.VsanIoInsightManager)

See also
ClusterComputeResource, HostSystem, Task, VirtualMachine, VsanHostIoInsightInfo, VsanIoInsightInstance, VsanIoInsightInstanceQuerySpec
vSAN API 7.2

Managed Object Description

This managed object is designed to provide service interfaces to manage ioinsight(s) for VMs virtual disks I/O performance metrics monitor and collection on the target hosts. It can be accessed through MOID of 'vsan-cluster-ioinsight-manager' via vSAN service on vCenter, or accessed through MOID of 'vsan-ioinsight-manager' on ESXi host.


Name Type Description


Methods defined in this Managed Object
DeleteIoInsightInstance, QueryIoInsightInstances, RenameIoInsightInstance, StartIoInsight, StopIoInsight


Delete information of a completed ioinsight instance specified by the passed-in runName.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanIoInsightManager used to make the method call.
runName Pxsd:string

Run name of the ioinsight instance.

Since vSAN API 7.2
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster where the ioinsight instance belongs to. This parameter is ignored while the API is called against host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
InvalidArgumentThrown if any argument passed to the function is not specified correctly.
NotFoundThrown if the specified ioinsight instance is not found.
NotSupportedThrown if the API is not supported by the called host.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.
VsanFaultThrown if any other unexpected fault is encountered.



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Retrieve all ioinsight instances VsanIoInsightInstance according to the passed in parameters.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanIoInsightManager used to make the method call.
querySpec PVsanIoInsightInstanceQuerySpec

Describe specifications for the query operation.

Since vSAN API 7.2
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster where the ioinsight instances belong to. This parameter is ignored while the API is called against host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
InvalidArgumentThrown if any argument passed to the function is not specified correctly.
NotSupportedThrown if the API is not supported by the called host.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.
VsanFaultThrown if any other unexpected fault is encountered.



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Rename an ioinsight instance which is completed already (see VsanIoInsightInstanceState).
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanIoInsightManager used to make the method call.
oldRunName Pxsd:string

The current run name of an completed ioinsight instance.

Since vSAN API 7.2
newRunName Pxsd:string

New run name for the completed ioinsight instance.

Since vSAN API 7.2
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The target cluster where the ioinsight instance belongs to. This parameter is ignored while the API is called against host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description


Type Description
InvalidArgumentThrown if any argument passed to the function is not specified correctly.
NotFoundThrown if the specified ioinsight instance is not found.
NotSupportedThrown if the API is not supported by the called host.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.
VsanFaultThrown if any other unexpected fault is encountered.



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Start ioinsight tool(s) running on the whole vSAN cluster or on the specified ESXi host(s) for VMs virtual disks I/O performance metrics monitor. Given the parameters passed-in, ioinsight tool(s) will be started on the ESXi host(s) to monitor and collect VMDKs I/O performance metrics of the specified VMs. Once the specified run duration has expired, ioinsight will stop running automatically. The collected performance metrics will be persisted in vSAN datastore. This API returns a task which is running background and performing actually ioinsight start operation on each host. Please wait for the task to be completed, and retrieve the final result - one or more VsanHostIoInsightInfo from the corresponding task information.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanIoInsightManager used to make the method call.
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The cluster to which the ESXi host(s) belong. This parameter is ignored while the API is called against host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
runName* Pxsd:string

Caller can specify a meaningful name for ioinsight one time execution, and use that name for ioinsight metrics query in the future. This parameter can be ignored while the API is called against host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
durationSec* Pxsd:long

Duration in seconds for ioinsight execution. Once duration has expired ioinsight will stop on it's own. The valid range of duration is between from 60 second to 86400 seconds (24 hours). If this parameter is not provided, the API will try to append targetVMs to the ioinsight(s) running on targetHosts as new monitor targets.

Since vSAN API 7.2
targetHosts* PManagedObjectReference[]
to a HostSystem[]

One or multiple ESXi hosts on which ioinsight is installed and going to be started. If this parameter is not provided, all hosts of the cluster will be treated as targets, and this case is only supported while being invoked against vCenter. If the API is called against host, this parameter is must to have and should be exactly same as the target host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
targetVMs* PManagedObjectReference[]
to a VirtualMachine[]

One or multiple target VMs will be monitored by ioinsight. If this parameter is not provided, all VMs on the host will be treated as targets.

Since vSAN API 7.2
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
Task which is performing actually ioinsight start operation in the background.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentThrown if any argument passed to the API is not specified correctly.
NotFoundThrown if no ESXi host could be contacted to perform the operation when this method is called against vCenter, or ioinsight cannot be found on host.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.
VsanFaultThrown if any other unexpected failure happened during starting ioinsight.



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Stop ioinsight tool(s) running on the ESXi host(s) by given parameters passed-in. The collected VMDKs I/O performance metrics will be persisted in vSAN datastore for further query by: vim.cluster.VsanPerformanceManager#QueryVsanPerf. This API returns a task which is running background and performing actually ioinsight stop operation on each host. Please wait for the task to be completed, and retrieve the final result - one or more VsanHostIoInsightInfo from the corresponding task information.
Required Privileges


_thisManagedObjectReference A reference to the VsanIoInsightManager used to make the method call.
cluster* PManagedObjectReference
to a ClusterComputeResource

The cluster to which the target ESXi host(s) belong. This parameter is ignored while the API is called against host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
runName* Pxsd:string

The name of running ioinsight to be stopped. This parameter can be ingnored while being called against host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
hostsIoInsightInfos* PVsanHostIoInsightInfo[]

One or multiple host ioinsight(s) information, which indicate the target ioinsight(s) to be stopped or the VMs to be unmonitored. If monitoredVMs are specified by the parameter, the API will try to unmonitor the VMs from running ioinsight(s), otherwise it will entirely stop the specified ioinsight(s) if no valid runName is provided. If neither this parameter nor runName is provided, the API will try to stop ioinsight(s) on each host in the cluster, and this case is only supported while being invoked against vCenter. If the API is called against host, this parameter is must to have and host should be exactly same as the target host.

Since vSAN API 7.2
*Need not be set PRequired privilege - see tooltip for details

Return Value

Type Description
to a Task
Task which is performing actually ioinsight stop operation in the background on each host.


Type Description
InvalidArgumentThrown if any argument passed to the function is not specified correctly.
NotFoundThrown if no ESXi host could be contacted to perform the operation when this method is called against vCenter.
RuntimeFaultThrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error.
VsanFaultThrown if the caller doesn't have the required privilege, or the cluster has no hosts.



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