Class CIM_FailNextScheduler

  extends CIM_NextScheduler (Association)
This association is a subclass of NextScheduler, and defines a predecessor-successor relationship between a NonWork ConservingSchedulingService and another PacketScheduling Service. It indicates that the NonWorkConserving scheduler may pass up a scheduling opportunity (thereby behaving in a non-work conserving manner), and make the resulting bandwidth available to the FollowingService scheduler.
This class is not implemented.

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
AssociationbooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThis association is a subclass of NextScheduler, and defines a predecessor-successor relationship between a NonWork ConservingSchedulingService and another PacketScheduling Service. It indicates that the NonWorkConserving scheduler may pass up a scheduling opportunity (thereby behaving in a non-work conserving manner), and make the resulting bandwidth available to the FollowingService scheduler.None TRANSLATABLE= true
UMLPackagePathstringCIM::Network::QoSNone None
Versionstring2.7.0TOSUBCLASS= falseTRANSLATABLE= true

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

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