Class CIM_ParametersForMethod

ParametersForMethod represents the association between MethodParameters classes and a ManagedElement that has a method that can use the MethodParameters during its invocation. This association is optional. The Method Parameters instance can be passed as a parameter to a method or used to create a method signature before the method is invoked. This association is useful for finding all the valid MethodParameters instances for a particular method. It might be particularly useful for user-oriented interfaces and automated or policy driven method invocations.
This class is not implemented.

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
AssociationbooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringParametersForMethod represents the association between MethodParameters classes and a ManagedElement that has a method that can use the MethodParameters during its invocation. This association is optional. The Method Parameters instance can be passed as a parameter to a method or used to create a method signature before the method is invoked. This association is useful for finding all the valid MethodParameters instances for a particular method. It might be particularly useful for user-oriented interfaces and automated or policy driven method invocations.None TRANSLATABLE= true
UMLPackagePathstringCIM::Core::MethodParmsNone None
Versionstring2.10.0TOSUBCLASS= falseTRANSLATABLE= true

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeQualifiers
NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringThe name of the method that can use the referenced instance of MethodParameters during its invocation.None TRANSLATABLE= true
KeybooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
MaxLenuint3264None None

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

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