Class VMware_HHRCAllocatedFromStoragePool

  extends VMware_AllocatedFromStoragePool (Association)
The VMware instrumentation of the AllocatedFromStoragePool class.

Properties Implemented      (key properties are boldface)

+ Antecedent
+ Dependent
+ SpaceLimit

Class Qualifiers

NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
AssociationbooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
DescriptionstringThe VMware instrumentation of the AllocatedFromStoragePool class.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ProfilesstringHost Hardware RAID ControllerNone None
ProviderImplementedbooleantrueNone None
UMLPackagePathstringCIM::Device::StorageServicesNone None
Versionstring1.0.1TOSUBCLASS= falseTRANSLATABLE= true

Local Class Properties

NameData TypeQualifiers
NameData TypeValueScopeFlavors
DescriptionstringSpace consumed from this Pool, in bytes. This value MUST be maintained so that, relative to the Antecedent StoragePool, it is possible to compute TotalManagedSpace as StoragePool.RemainingManagedSpace plus the sum of SpaceConsumed from all of the AllocatedFromStoragePool references from the antecedent StoragePool.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_StoragePool.TotalManagedSpace, CIM_StoragePool.RemainingManagedSpaceNone None
PUnitstringbyteNone None
RequiredbooleantrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
UnitsstringBytesNone TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringSpaceLimit is the consumption limit for the allocated storage element from the associated StoragePool. If SpaceLimt is greater than zero, the assumption is that the storage element can grow, (for instance an element representing the storage for a delta replica) If SpaceLimit is greater than zero, SpaceConsumed shall not exceed the value of SpaceLimit. If SpaceLimit = 0 (the default) then no limits are asserted on SpaceConsumed.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumedNone None
OverridestringSpaceLimitTOSUBCLASS= falseNone
ProviderImplementedbooleantrueNone None
PUnitstringbyteNone None
UnitsstringBytesNone TRANSLATABLE= true
DescriptionstringIf the associated storage element may dynamically consume an increasing amount of space and a space limit is enforced on the element, then a non-zero warning threshold percentage indicates when a warning indication should be generated based on SpaceConsumed >= (SpaceLimit*SpaceLimitWarningThreshold)/100.None TRANSLATABLE= true
ExperimentalbooleantrueTOSUBCLASS= falseNone
MaxValuesint64100None None
MinValuesint640None None
ModelCorrespondencestringCIM_AllocatedFromStoragePool.SpaceConsumedNone None
PUnitstringpercentNone None
UnitsstringPercentageNone TRANSLATABLE= true

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

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