System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Edge Clusters > Edge Clusters

Update Edge Cluster

Modifies the specified edge cluster. Modifiable parameters include the
description, display_name, transport-node-id. If the optional
fabric_profile_binding is included, resource_type and profile_id are required.
User should do a GET on the edge-cluster and obtain the payload and retain the
member_index of the existing members as returning in the GET output. For new member
additions, the member_index cannot be defined by the user, user can read the system
allocated index to the new member in the output of this API call or by doing a GET call.
User cannot use this PUT api to replace the transport_node of an existing member because
this is a disruption action, we have exposed a explicit API for doing so, refer to
EdgeCluster only supports homogeneous members. The TransportNodes backed by EdgeNode are
only allowed in cluster members. DeploymentType (VIRTUAL_MACHINE|PHYSICAL_MACHINE) of these
EdgeNodes is recommended to be the same. EdgeCluster supports members of different
deployment types.


URI Path(s):
Request Headers:
Query Parameters:
Request Body:

Example Request:

PUT https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/edge-clusters/bf8d4daf-93f6-4c23-af38-63f6d372e14e { "resource_type": "EdgeCluster", "id": "ba009179-4cc7-40d0-9149-6242d2838bab", "display_name": "comp2-edge-cluster", "deployment_type": "VIRTUAL_MACHINE", "members": [ { "member_index": 0, "transport_node_id": "4fa0d456-627d-4b62-9bfe-585d585dab1a" } ], "cluster_profile_bindings": [ { "profile_id": "91bcaa06-47a1-11e4-8316-17ffc770799b", "resource_type": "EdgeHighAvailabilityProfile" } ], "_revision": 1 }

Successful Response:

Response Code:
200 OK
Response Headers:
Content-type: application/json
Response Body:

Example Response:

{ "resource_type": "EdgeCluster", "id": "ba009179-4cc7-40d0-9149-6242d2838bab", "display_name": "comp2-edge-cluster", "deployment_type": "VIRTUAL_MACHINE", "members": [ { "member_index": 0, "transport_node_id": "4fa0d456-627d-4b62-9bfe-585d585dab1a" } ], "cluster_profile_bindings": [ { "profile_id": "91bcaa06-47a1-11e4-8316-17ffc770799b", "resource_type": "EdgeHighAvailabilityProfile" } ], "_last_modified_time": 1458858792864, "_create_time": 1457984401856, "_last_modified_user": "admin", "_system_owned": false, "_create_user": "admin", "_revision": 2 }

Required Permissions:




Additional Errors: