API Description | API Path |
List Edge ClustersReturns information about the configured edge clusters, which enable you to group together transport nodes of the type EdgeNode and apply fabric profiles to all members of the edge cluster. Each edge node can participate in only one edge cluster. |
GET /api/v1/edge-clusters
Create Edge ClusterCreates a new edge cluster. It only supports homogeneous members. The TransportNodes backed by EdgeNode are only allowed in cluster members. DeploymentType (VIRTUAL_MACHINE|PHYSICAL_MACHINE) of these EdgeNodes is recommended to be the same. EdgeCluster supports members of different deployment types. |
POST /api/v1/edge-clusters
Delete Edge ClusterDeletes the specified edge cluster. |
DELETE /api/v1/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>
Read Edge ClusterReturns information about the specified edge cluster. |
GET /api/v1/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>
Replace the transport node in the specified member of the edge-clusterReplace the transport node in the specified member of the edge-cluster. This is a disruptive action. This will move all the LogicalRouterPorts(uplink and routerLink) host on the old transport_node to the new transport_node. The transportNode cannot be present in another member of any edgeClusters. |
POST /api/v1/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>?action=replace_transport_node
Update Edge ClusterModifies the specified edge cluster. Modifiable parameters include the description, display_name, transport-node-id. If the optional fabric_profile_binding is included, resource_type and profile_id are required. User should do a GET on the edge-cluster and obtain the payload and retain the member_index of the existing members as returning in the GET output. For new member additions, the member_index cannot be defined by the user, user can read the system allocated index to the new member in the output of this API call or by doing a GET call. User cannot use this PUT api to replace the transport_node of an existing member because this is a disruption action, we have exposed a explicit API for doing so, refer to "ReplaceEdgeClusterMemberTransportNode" EdgeCluster only supports homogeneous members. The TransportNodes backed by EdgeNode are only allowed in cluster members. DeploymentType (VIRTUAL_MACHINE|PHYSICAL_MACHINE) of these EdgeNodes is recommended to be the same. EdgeCluster supports members of different deployment types. |
PUT /api/v1/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>
Get the Allocation details of an edge clusterReturns the allocation details of cluster and its members. Lists the edge node members, active and standby services of each node, utilization details of configured sub-pools. These allocation details can be monitored by customers to trigger migration of certain service contexts to different edge nodes, to balance the utilization of edge node resources. |
GET /api/v1/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/allocation-status
Get the Realized State of a Edge ClusterReturn realized state information of a edge cluster. Any configuration update that affects the edge cluster can use this API to get its realized state by passing a request_id returned by the configuration change operation. e.g. Update configuration of edge cluster. |
GET /api/v1/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/state
Get the status for the Edge cluster of the given idReturns the aggregated status for the Edge cluster along with status of all edge nodes in the cluster. Query parameter "source=realtime" is the only supported source. |
GET /api/v1/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/status
List Failure DomainsReturns information about configured failure domains. |
GET /api/v1/failure-domains
Create Failure DomainCreates a new failure domain. |
POST /api/v1/failure-domains
Delete Failure DomainDeletes an existing failure domain. You can not delete system generated default failure domain. |
DELETE /api/v1/failure-domains/<failure-domain-id>
Get a Failure DomainReturns information about a single failure domain. |
GET /api/v1/failure-domains/<failure-domain-id>
Update Failure DomainUpdates an existing failure domain. Modifiable parameters are display_name, preferred_active_edge_services flag. |
PUT /api/v1/failure-domains/<failure-domain-id>