Policy > Security > North South Security > Gateway Firewall > Tier-1 Gateways

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Get list of gateway policies with rules that belong to the specific Tier-1.

Get filtered view of Gateway Firewall rules associated with the Tier-1.
The gateway policies are returned in the order of category and sequence number.
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/gateway-firewall
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/gateway-firewall

Get list of gateway policies with rules that belong to the specific Tier-1 LocalServices.

Get filtered view of Gateway Firewall rules associated
with the Tier-1 Locale Services. The gateway policies are
returned in the order of category and sequence number.
GET /policy/api/v1/global-infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/gateway-firewall
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/<tier-1-id>/locale-services/<locale-services-id>/gateway-firewall