Policy > Security > North South Security > Gateway Firewall > Url Categorization

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

Delete FqdnAnalysisConfig

Delete FqdnAnalysisConfig from the passed edge cluser node.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/fqdn-analysis-config

Get FqdnAnalysisConfig

Gets a FqdnAnalysisConfig. This returns the details of the
config like whether the FQDN Analysis is enabled or disabled for
the given edge cluster.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/fqdn-analysis-config

Create or Update FqdnAnalysisConfig

Creates/Updates a FqdnAnalysisConfig object. If FqdnAnalysisConfig object does not exists for the passed edge-cluster node,
create a new FqdnAnalysisConfig object. If it already exists, patch it.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/fqdn-analysis-config

Create or Update FqdnAnalysisConfig

Creates/Updates FqdnAnalysisConfig Object for
the given edge cluster. If FqdnAnalysisConfig object is not already present, creates it.
If it already exists, replace with this object.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/fqdn-analysis-config

Delete PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig

Delete PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig. If deleted, the URL categorization
will be disabled for that edge cluster.
DELETE /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/url-categorization-configs/<url-categorization-config-id>

Get PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig

Gets a PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig. This returns the details of the
config like whether the URL categorization is enabled or disabled, the id
of the context profiles which are used to filter the categories, and the
update frequency of the data from the cloud.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/url-categorization-configs/<url-categorization-config-id>

Create or Update PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig

Creates/Updates a PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig. Creating or updating the
PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig will enable or disable URL categorization for
the given edge cluster. If the context_profiles field is empty, the edge
cluster will detect all the categories of URLs. If context_profiles field
has any context profiles, the edge cluster will detect only the categories
listed within those context profiles. The context profiles should have
attribute type URL_CATEGORY. The update_frequency specifies how frequently
in minutes, the edge cluster will get updates about the URL data from the
URL categorization cloud service. If the update_frequency is not specified,
the default update frequency will be 30 min.
PATCH /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/url-categorization-configs/<url-categorization-config-id>

Create or Update PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig

Creates/Updates a PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig. Creating or updating the
PolicyUrlCategorizationConfig will enable or disable URL categorization for
the given edge cluster. If the context_profiles field is empty, the edge
cluster will detect all the categories of URLs. If context_profiles field
has any context profiles, the edge cluster will detect only the categories
listed within those context profiles. The context profiles should have
attribute type URL_CATEGORY. The update_frequency specifies how frequently
in minutes, the edge cluster will get updates about the URL data from the
URL categorization cloud service. If the update_frequency is not specified,
the default update frequency will be 30 min.
PUT /policy/api/v1/infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcement-point-id>/edge-clusters/<edge-cluster-id>/url-categorization-configs/<url-categorization-config-id>

Get the list of URL categories.

Gets the list of categories. This will provide all the supported categories
along with their ids. Few examples of these categories are Shopping, Social
Networks, Streaming sites, etc.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/url-categories

Get the list of reputation severity

Gets the list of reputation severities. This will provide all the supported
severities along with their ids, min and max reputaitons.
The min_reputation and max_reputation
specify the range of the reputations which belong to a particular
severity. For instance, any reputation between 1 to 20 belongs to the
severity 'High Risk'. Similary a reputation between 81 to 100 belong
to the severity 'Trustworthy'.
GET /policy/api/v1/infra/url-reputation-severities