System Administration > Configuration > Fabric > Transport Zones

Associated URIs:

API Description API Path

List Transport Zones

Returns information about configured transport zones. NSX requires at
least one transport zone. NSX uses transport zones to provide connectivity
based on the topology of the underlying network, trust zones, or
organizational separations. For example, you might have hypervisors that
use one network for management traffic and a different network for VM
traffic. This architecture would require two transport zones. The
combination of transport zones plus transport connectors enables NSX to
form tunnels between hypervisors. Transport zones define which interfaces
on the hypervisors can communicate with which other interfaces on other
hypervisors to establish overlay tunnels or provide connectivity to a VLAN.
A logical switch can be in one (and only one) transport zone. This means
that all of a switch's interfaces must be in the same transport zone.
However, each hypervisor virtual switch (OVS or VDS) has multiple
interfaces (connectors), and each connector can be attached to a different
logical switch. For example, on a single hypervisor with two connectors,
connector A can be attached to logical switch 1 in transport zone A, while
connector B is attached to logical switch 2 in transport zone B. In this
way, a single hypervisor can participate in multiple transport zones. The
API for creating a transport zone requires that a single host switch be
specified for each transport zone, and multiple transport zones can share
the same host switch. This api is now deprecated. Please use new api -
GET /api/v1/transport-zones (Deprecated)

Create a Transport Zone

Creates a new transport zone. The required parameters are host_switch_name
and transport_type (OVERLAY or VLAN). The optional parameters are
description and display_name. This api is now deprecated. Please use new api -
PUT /infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcementpoint-
POST /api/v1/transport-zones (Deprecated)

Delete a Transport Zone

Deletes an existing transport zone. This api is now deprecated. Please use new api - DELETE /infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcementpoint-id>/transport-zones/<zone-id>
DELETE /api/v1/transport-zones/<zone-id> (Deprecated)

Get a Transport Zone

Returns information about a single transport zone. This api is now deprecated. Please use new api - /infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcementpoint- id>/transport-zones/<zone-id>
GET /api/v1/transport-zones/<zone-id> (Deprecated)

Update a Transport Zone

Updates an existing transport zone. Modifiable parameters are
is_default, description, and display_name. The
request must include the existing host_switch_name. This api is now deprecated. Use new api -
PATCH /infra/sites/<site-id>/enforcement-points/<enforcementpoint-
PUT /api/v1/transport-zones/<zone-id> (Deprecated)

Get high-level summary of a transport zone

GET /api/v1/transport-zones/<zone-id>/status

Get a Transport Zone's Current Runtime Status Information

Returns information about a specified transport zone, including the number
of logical switches in the transport zone, number of logical spitch ports
assigned to the transport zone, and number of transport nodes in the
transport zone. This api is now deprecated. Please use new api -
GET policy/api/v1/infra/realized-state/realized-entities?intent_path={{intent-path}}
GET /api/v1/transport-zones/<zone-id>/summary (Deprecated)

Get high-level summary of a transport zone. The service layer does not support source = realtime or cached.

GET /api/v1/transport-zones/status