API Description | API Path |
Read Cluster ConfigurationReturns information about the NSX cluster configuration. An NSX cluster has two functions or purposes, commonly referred to as "roles." These two roles are control and management. Each NSX installation has a single cluster. Separate NSX clusters do not share data. In other words, a given data-plane node is attached to only one cluster, not to multiple clusters. |
GET /api/v1/cluster
Join this node to a NSX Cluster |
POST /api/v1/cluster?action=join_cluster
Read cluster node configurationReturns information about the specified NSX cluster node. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/<node-id>
Detach a node from the Cluster |
POST /api/v1/cluster/<node-id>?action=remove_node
Invoke DELETE request on target cluster node |
DELETE /api/v1/cluster/<target-node-id>/<target-uri>
Invoke GET request on target cluster node |
GET /api/v1/cluster/<target-node-id>/<target-uri>
Invoke POST request on target cluster node |
POST /api/v1/cluster/<target-node-id>/<target-uri>
Invoke PUT request on target cluster node |
PUT /api/v1/cluster/<target-node-id>/<target-uri>
Read cluster certificate IDReturns the ID of the certificate that is used as the cluster certificate for MP |
GET /api/v1/cluster/api-certificate
Clear the cluster certificateClears the certificate used for the MP cluster. This does not affect the certificate itself. This API is deprecated. Instead use the /api/v1/cluster/api-certificate?action=set_cluster_certificate API to set the cluster certificate to a different one. It just means that from now on, individual certificates will be used on each MP node. This affects all nodes in the cluster. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/api-certificate?action=clear_cluster_certificate
Set the cluster certificateSets the certificate used for the MP cluster. This affects all nodes in the cluster. If the certificate used is a CA signed certificate,the request fails if the whole chain(leaf, intermediate, root) is not imported. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/api-certificate?action=set_cluster_certificate
Read cluster virtual IP addressReturns the configured cluster virtual IP address or null if not configured. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/api-virtual-ip
Clear cluster virtual IP addressClears the cluster virtual IP address. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/api-virtual-ip?action=clear_virtual_ip
Set cluster virtual IP addressSets the cluster virtual IP address. Note, all nodes in the management cluster must be in the same subnet. If not, a 409 CONFLICT status is returned. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/api-virtual-ip?action=set_virtual_ip
Get backup frames for UIReturns list of backup frames and some metadata to be used by UI. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/backups/ui_frames
Synchronizes the repository data between nsx managers.Attempts to synchronize the repository partition on nsx manager. Repository partition contains packages required for the install and upgrade of nsx components.Normally there is no need to call this API explicitely by the user. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/node?action=repo_sync
List Cluster Node ConfigurationsReturns information about all NSX cluster nodes. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes
Add a controller to the clusterAdd a new controller to the NSX cluster. Deprecated. Use POST /cluster?action=join_cluster to join a node to cluster. The controller comes with the new node. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/nodes
Remove a controller from the clusterRemoves the specified controller from the NSX cluster. Before you can remove a controller from the cluster, you must shut down the controller service with the "stop service controller" command. Deprecated. Use POST /cluster/<node-id>?action=remove_node to detach a node from cluster. The controller is removed with the node. |
DELETE /api/v1/cluster/nodes/<node-id>
Read Cluster Node ConfigurationReturns information about the specified NSX cluster node. Deprecated. Use GET /cluster/<node-id> to get cluster node configuration. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/<node-id>
List the specified node's Network InterfacesReturns the number of interfaces on the node and detailed information about each interface. Interface information includes MTU, broadcast and host IP addresses, link and admin status, MAC address, network mask, and the IP configuration method (static or DHCP). |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/<node-id>/network/interfaces
Read the node's Network InterfaceReturns detailed information about the specified interface. Interface information includes MTU, broadcast and host IP addresses, link and admin status, MAC address, network mask, and the IP configuration method (static or DHCP). |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/<node-id>/network/interfaces/<interface-id>
Synchronizes the repository data between nsx managers.Returns the synchronization status for the manager represented by given <node-id>. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/<node-id>/repo_sync/status
Read cluster node runtime statusRead aggregated runtime status of cluster node. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/<node-id>/status
Returns info for all cluster node VM auto-deployment attemptsReturns request information for every attempted deployment of a cluster node VM. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments
Deploy and register a cluster node VMDeploys a cluster node VM as specified by the deployment config. Once the VM is deployed and powered on, it will automatically join the existing cluster. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments
Returns info for a cluster-node VM auto-deployment attemptReturns deployment request information for a specific attempted deployment of a cluster node VM. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments/<node-id>
Attempt to delete an auto-deployed cluster node VMAttempts to unregister and undeploy a specified auto-deployed cluster node VM. If it is a member of a cluster, then the VM will be automatically detached from the cluster before being unregistered and undeployed. Alternatively, if the original deployment attempt failed or the VM is not found, cleans up the deployment information associated with the deployment attempt. Note: If a VM has been successfully auto-deployed, then the associated deployment information will not be deleted unless and until the VM is successfully deleted. |
POST /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments/<node-id>?action=delete
Returns the status of the VM creation/deletionReturns the current deployment or undeployment status for a VM along with any other relevant current information, such as error messages. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/deployments/<node-id>/status
Read cluster runtime statusRead aggregated runtime status of all cluster nodes. Deprecated. Use GET /cluster/status instead. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/status
Read Cluster StatusReturns status information for the NSX cluster control role and management role. |
GET /api/v1/cluster/status