ServiceDefinition (schema)

Definition of a Service.

Registering a Service is the first step in the ServiceInsertion mechanism. A ServiceDefinition is used to create a service.
Name Description Type Notes
_create_time Timestamp of resource creation EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
_create_user ID of the user who created this resource string Readonly
_last_modified_time Timestamp of last modification EpochMsTimestamp Readonly
_last_modified_user ID of the user who last modified this resource string Readonly
_links References related to this resource

The server will populate this field when returing the resource. Ignored on PUT and POST.
array of ResourceLink Readonly
_protection Indicates protection status of this resource

Protection status is one of the following:
PROTECTED - the client who retrieved the entity is not allowed
to modify it.
NOT_PROTECTED - the client who retrieved the entity is allowed
to modify it
REQUIRE_OVERRIDE - the client who retrieved the entity is a super
user and can modify it, but only when providing
the request header X-Allow-Overwrite=true.
UNKNOWN - the _protection field could not be determined for this
string Readonly
_revision Generation of this resource config

The _revision property describes the current revision of the resource. To prevent clients from overwriting each other's changes, PUT operations must include the current _revision of the resource, which clients should obtain by issuing a GET operation. If the _revision provided in a PUT request is missing or stale, the operation will be rejected.
_schema Schema for this resource string Readonly
_self Link to this resource SelfResourceLink Readonly
_system_owned Indicates system owned resource boolean Readonly
attachment_point Attachment Point

The point at which the service is deployed/attached for redirecting the traffic to the the partner appliance. Attachment Point is required if Service caters to any functionality other than EPP and MPS.
array of string Enum: TIER0_LR, TIER1_LR, SERVICE_PLANE
Minimum items: 0
Maximum items: 2
description Description of this resource string Maximum length: 1024
display_name Identifier to use when displaying entity in logs or GUI

Defaults to ID if not set
string Maximum length: 255
functionalities Functionality Type

The capabilities provided by the services. Needs to be one or more of the following | NG_FW - Next Generation Firewall | IDS_IPS - Intrusion Detection System / Intrusion Prevention System | NET_MON - Network Monitoring | HCX - Hybrid Cloud Exchange | BYOD - Bring Your Own Device | TLB - Transparent Load Balancer | EPP - Endpoint Protection.(Third party AntiVirus partners using NXGI should use this functionality for the service) | MPS - Malware Prevention Solution
array of string Required
Minimum items: 1
id Unique identifier of this resource string Sortable
implementations Implementation Type

This indicates the insertion point of the service i.e whether the service will be used to protect North-South or East-West traffic in the datacenter.
array of string Required
Minimum items: 1
Maximum items: 1
on_failure_policy On Failure Policy

Failure policy for the service tells datapath, the action to take i.e to Allow or Block traffic during failure scenarios. For north-south ServiceInsertion, failure policy in the service instance takes precedence. For east-west ServiceInsertion, failure policy in the service chain takes precedence. BLOCK is not supported for Endpoint protection (EPP) and MPS functionality.
string Enum: ALLOW, BLOCK
Default: "ALLOW"
resource_type Must be set to the value ServiceDefinition string
service_capability Service capability

Service capability.
service_deployment_spec Service Deployment Specification

Service Deployment Specification defines takes in information required to deploy and configure a partner appliance/service-vm.
service_manager_id Service Manager Id

ID of the service manager to which this service is attached with.
This field is not set during creation of service. This field will
be set explicitly when Service Manager is created successfully using this service.
string Readonly
tags Opaque identifiers meaningful to the API user array of Tag Maximum items: 30
transports Transport Type

Transport Type of the service, which is the mechanism of redirecting the traffic to the the partner appliance. Transport type is required if Service caters to any functionality other than EPP and MPS.
array of string Enum: L2_BRIDGE, L3_ROUTED, NSH
Minimum items: 0
Maximum items: 1
vendor_id Vendor ID

Id which is unique to a vendor or partner for which the service is created.
string Required