ServiceDeploymentSpec (schema)

Service Deployment Specification.

ServiceDeployment Spec consists of information required to deploy and configure the partner appliances. viz. Deployment template, deployment spec and NIC metatdata.
Name Description Type Notes
deployment_specs Service Deployment Spec List

Deployment Specs holds information required to deploy the Service-VMs. i.e. OVF url where the partner Service-VM OVF is hosted. The host type on which the OVF can be deployed, Form factor to name a few.
array of SVMDeploymentSpec Maximum items: 128
deployment_template Service Deployment Template

Deployment Template holds the attributes specific to partner for which the service is created. These attributes are opaque to NSX Manager.
array of DeploymentTemplate Required
nic_metadata_list NIC Metadata

NIC metadata associated with the deployment spec.
array of NicMetadata
svm_version Partner Service-VM version.

Partner needs to specify the Service VM version which will get deployed.